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Chapter eight



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"What the fuck?!" Flora spat when her tired eyes landed on Theo Raken standing in the middle of Scott's kitchen.

She spent three hours on the road, thinking of theories why Stiles sent them to Canaan, only to hear that Lydia saw what the Ghost Riders did to people they took.

According to Lydia, they became Ghost Riders as well.

Theo jumped back when Flora launched at him. "Who's idea was this?" She growled at the younger teens who were holding her back.

"Somehow I don't think we're gonna hug this out." Theo managed to tease while he dusted off his shirt.

The Vila scoffed. "You mean almost killing all of us?" She barked, slapping Liam's hand away.

Liam winced but put his hands away, not wanting to anger her even more.

It was Scott who pushed Flora behind him and flashed his red eyes at the 'suddenly alive' Theo. "I hope you realize it's taking all of my strength to not tear you in half right now."

Theo almost smirked but then he heard loud growling behind him, showing that Malia just came in. "Hey, Malia." He awkwardly grinned. "You aren't still upset about the whole shooting thing, right?"

Malia only showed him her blue eyes and sharp teeth before jumping at him.

Nobody tried to stop her, they only watched her punching Theo.

Flora would never admit it out loud but she quite enjoyed seeing Theo covered in blood. His pain made her smirk a little.

Was she being cruel? Her conscience was punching her in the gut from the inside when she realized how brutal she was.

But on the other hand, it was Theo who caused her a lot of pain and trauma. It was Theo who made her lose part of herself.

It was Theo who caused all the nightmares and suffering.

But she was better than him.

"Mal." She called out for the werecoyote and gently grabbed her arm, stopping her from hitting him again. "He's not worth it." She spat, shooting daggers from her eyes at the bloodied-up guy on the kitchen floor.

Malia managed to growl at Liam and Scott when they grabbed her by the waist and pushed her away.

"He's going back in the ground," Scott ordered, giving Liam a warning look.

The younger werewolf shook his has. "You can't!" He argued. "He remembers Stiles."

At that Flora's eyes widened and her hand fell from Malia's shoulder. "You do?" She looked at Theo, who was trying to wipe away the blood pouring down his face.

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