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When the bottle stopped, it was pointing to Matt. Matt smirked at you and wiggled his eyebrows, causing you to blush. You both stood up at the same time after Shiro whispered something to Matt. You both walked to the closest and Matt opened the door for you.

"Ladies first." Matt said charmingly, gesturing to the closet, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Such a gentleman." You commented as you walked into the closet.

Matt followed you, closing the door behind himself. Shiro set the timer for seven minutes before turning his attention back to the group. Meanwhile, you and Matt were facing each other in the closet, the two of you trying to think of something to say. Finally, you decided to break the silence.

"Hey, Matt, c-can I tell you something important? Like, really important?" You nervously asked, wanting to tell him how you felt.

"Sure, you can tell me anything." Matt told you, noticing how nervous you sounded.

"W-well… U-um… Okay, so I've really liked you for a long time now. It's okay if you don't feel the same way. I- I just wanted to tell you while we're in here." You confessed nervously, stuttering as you spoke.

"You have feelings for me? I- wow, I thought that I was just overthinking things. I really like you too; I have for a while now." Matt said happily, relieved that his feelings for you weren't one sided.

You couldn't believe that Matt liked you back. You blushed as you felt around until your hands were lightly cupping his cheeks. Matt was blushing too; he was glad that you couldn't see the goofy smile on his face. He slowly leaned down a little so that he could kiss you, his hands settling on your hips. He accidentally kissed the tip of your nose first, but it didn't take him very long to find your lips. Your knees felt weak when you felt his soft lips pressed against yours.

You felt him rubbing slow circles on your hips with his thumbs; it turned you on a little as you moved your lips with his. Matt let out a cute little whimper as he kissed you. You didn't know how much time passed, but you could have sworn that you heard the timer ring. You were right, unfortunately, because soon after the closet door opened.

"Come on you two, it's time to rejoin the others." Sendak said when you and Matt kept kissing each other, promptly turning around and walking back to the circle.

You and Matt broke the kiss, smiling at each other before exiting the closet hand in hand. The two of you rejoined the group and sat next to each other. Shiro spun the bottle next while you and Matt made plans to go out on a date together. You couldn't wait to finally go out and do something fun with him.

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