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When the bottle stopped spinning, it was pointing directly at Sven. It was a well-known fact to the rest of your friend group that you and Sven liked each other, but neither of you exactly knew that. Sven always noticed how you often glanced at him and you definitely noticed how he wanted to hang out with you regularly, but both of you thought that the other was just being a good friend. Ezor was barely holding back an excited squeal as she looked at you and Sven; she shipped you both together and hoped that you would confess your feelings to each other. You were currently sitting in between your crush and Hepta, a dark blush covering your whole face as you hid it in your hands. Sven had a slight blush covering his cheeks, coughing awkwardly.

"So, I- I guess that we should go into the closet." You spoke quietly, peeking through your fingers and looking at the Human next to you.

"Yes, I agree." Sven responded while looking at you, trying his best to keep a neutral look on his face.

Everyone watched as you and Sven stood up, all of them hoping that the two of you would finally get together. On the way to the closet, you couldn't help but feel shy and anxious, yet excited about being alone with your crush in a small dark place. Sven just felt nervous and a little uncomfortable; he had feelings for you, but he wasn't exactly good at expressing those feelings. When you both got to the closet, Sven let you go in first before following and closing the door behind himself. You could have sworn that you heard Ezor raising her voice and telling you to 'get some' before Sven closed the door, which only made you feel embarrassed.

Shiro set the timer for seven minutes and Sendak shushed Ezor, knowing that the half Galran girl could get overly excited easily. Meanwhile, you and Sven were standing silently in the closet, facing each other while trying to think of something to say. You really wanted to tell him how much you liked him, but you weren't entirely sure if he felt the same way or not. Sven's heart pounded in his chest as he thought about being alone with you in a small dark room; he was brave while doing anything  (but)  tell you how much he liked you.

"Sven, can I tell you something?" You inquired after a minute or so, throwing caution to the wind and taking the chance to make your feelings known.

"Sure, go ahead." Sven replied with a quiet voice, hoping that no one could hear him; he wasn't ashamed of liking you, but he was shy when it came to liking someone.

"Well… We have limited time in here and I really need to get this off my chest. Sven, I know that you probably only like me as just a friend, but I've had a crush on you for a while now. I understand it yo-mmph!" You started rambling, confessing your feelings to your crush before a pair of soft lips met yours.

As soon as you said that you liked him, Sven kissed you; partially to get you to stop rambling but mostly because he was in over with you. You were completely stunned when you were suddenly kissed, your eyelids closing as you placed your hands on Sven's shoulders. You melted into the kiss, feeling happy that he reciprocated your feelings. The tingly feeling in Sven's belly became stronger when he kissed you, making sure to place his hands on your hips so that you wouldn't collapse. Unfortunately, the two of you spent the remaining four minutes kissing each other and didn't stop until the closet door suddenly opened; you and Sven had almost matching blushes on your faces when you broke the kiss and you both saw Shiro.

"Your time is up." Was all Shiro said in an awkward tone before turning around and walking back to the friend group, happy that you and Sven finally got together.

You and Sven looked at each other and smiled, silently agreeing to go out on a date together the next evening. Both Blaytz and Ezor were nearly bursting with excitement when Shiro opened the closet door, revealing you and Sven kissing. You were thrilled that Sven reciprocated your feelings and he was happy that you liked him too; you both knew that your relationship was an unbreakable one. The two of you sat down again, rejoining the circle on the floor while continuing to hold each other's hands. With how wonderful the game of Seven Minutes in Heaven turned out, you were happy that you decided to host the game at your house/apartment.

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