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When the bottle stopped, it was pointing to Blaytz. You tried your best not to blush at the thought of being alone in a dark closet with the tall, flirtatious man. Blaytz had a cheeky grin on his face as the two of you stood up, promptly walking over to the closet. You tried not to look up at him in fear of him seeing your blush. You had a major crush on him, but you didn't think that you ever had a chance with him.

"You first, gorgeous~." Blaytz said flirtatiously as he opened the closet door, gesturing to the mostly empty space.

"T-thanks." You stuttered quietly, quickly walking in and turning around so that you would be able to face him.

Despite the usual confident grin on Blaytz' face, he was actually nervous to be in a small dark room with you. He was usually flirty with other people, but you had made your way into his heart. After the closet door was closed, Ezor set the timer for seven minutes. You desperately wanted to tell him how you really felt, but you didn't want to sound stupid.

"You know, I can tell that you have something on your mind. Come on, you know that you can tell me anything." Blaytz said, breaking the silence.

"If I tell you, then you'll hate me." You told him, feeling your heart nearly pounding out of your chest.

"I won't hate you. I promise." Blaytz assured you calmly, kneeling down; his hands finding your hips so that he knew where you were.

You were silent for a moment, trying to think of what to say; you never expected to confess your feelings to your crush in a closet, let alone at all. Blaytz patiently waited for you to answer his question, hoping that he didn't make you too uncomfortable. He really liked you, but he wasn't sure if you had romantic feelings towards him.

"I- I- This is really hard for me to get out… I- I really like you, as more than a friend." You finally confessed, thankful that the closet was dark so that he couldn't actually see you.

"I'm going to be honest with you; I feel the same way. I have for a while now. I was starting to think that you only thought of me as a friend." Blaytz told you, his voice soft; he was so happy that you did feel the same way about him as he felt about you.

"You do?" You queried in surprise, shocked that he actually, actually liked you in a romantic way.

"Yes, I do. Let me show you how much I like- No, love you." Blaytz whispered huskily as he caressed the right side of your face with his right hand.

You blushed heavily when you felt him caress your face, a slight shiver of excitement zipping up your spine from the sound of his voice. Your eyes widened, then closed, when you felt his lips softly press against yours. Blaytz felt a little turned on when he kissed you; your lips felt so good against his. For the longest time he wanted you to be his girlfriend, and now that the two of you finally confessed your feelings for each other, you could be, and he could be your boyfriend. You quietly whimpered as you wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling his left hand wander down to your butt.

Blaytz couldn't help but touch your butt; it was something he had wanted to do for a while. He deepened the kiss, causing you to let out another quiet moan. He was so good at kissing, so good that you felt a little dizzy, as well as turned on. Unfortunately, your seven minutes in the closet were done too soon, but you and Blaytz didn't stop kissing, even when the door was opened.

"Hey, the rest of us want a chance, you know." Matt said, catching you and Blaytz' attention.

"Okay, okay. Y/n and I can finish later." Blaytz said after pulling away from the kiss, picking you up bridal style and following Matt back to where everyone else was sitting.

"Blaytz!" You gasped in shock, your blush getting darker, if possible.

Blaytz smirked down at you, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and his feelers making a heart shape. You knew exactly what he meant; it was enough to make you feel tense, but in a good way. Blaytz sat you down next to him after sitting down, wrapping an arm around you. You leaned your head against his side, smiling fondly. You were so happy that you were now Blaytz' girlfriend, and you could tell that he was happy to have you as his girlfriend.

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