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When the bottle stopped, it was pointing to Hepta. You felt both excited and nervous to have gotten your crush. Hepta noticed that you looked slightly nervous, but shrugged it off as he stood up. The two of you walked to the closest and stepped in, Hepta going in after you so that he could close the door. Once inside, Shiro set the timer for seven minutes.

Despite the darkness in the closet Hepta was able to tell almost exactly where you were. You wanted to tell him how you felt, but with your heart pounding in your chest it was nearly impossible. Hepta could easily smell your nervousness and decided to do something about it.

"Don't be nervous, Y/n." Hepta said softly, carefully kneeling down in front of you.

"Who said that I'm nervous?" You asked him as you tried to act as though you didn't know what he was talking about.

"You don't have to be nervous around me." Hepta said flirtatiously, quickly catching on to what you were trying to do; he really liked you and hoped to escape the friend zone.

"Fine, you caught me. I'm excited to be in here with you." You scoffed, thankful that he couldn't see the blush that covered your cheeks.

Hepta smirked as his hands found their way to your hips, bringing your body closer to his. Your heart was hammering in your chest from the sudden physical contact. You got the feeling that you needed to close your eyes. Fireworks went off in your belly when you felt Hepta's lips against yours. Hepta's heart was pounding as he kissed you for the very first time, but definitely not the last; he had always wanted to kiss you.

Your hands found purchase on his shoulders so that you could hold onto something. You felt light headed as Hepta briefly pulled away from the kiss only to press his lips against yours once more. Hepta's brain nearly short circuited; he wasn't expecting your lips to feel so good pressed against his. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. The two of you were startled when the closet door finally opened.

"Stop sticking together like space eels and come out of the closet, the rest of us would like a turn." Lotor said before walking away, slightly disgusted.

"So, does this mean that I can court you?" Hepta asked after breaking the kiss, making eye contact with you once his and your eyes were open.

"Yes." You said happily, letting go of him.

Hepta smiled as he stood up, leading you back to the group. He was so happy; he was going to court you. You were just as happy now that you basically had a boyfriend. As the two of you rejoined the group you sat next to each other. You leaned against your new boyfriend, silently sighing in happiness.

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