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When the bottle stopped spinning, it was pointing at Shiro. You really, really liked Shiro, but you didn't think that he liked you as more than a friend. You always managed to act normal whenever you were in the same room as he was. You never imagined that you would be going into a dark closet with the man of your dreams. Shiro said something while looking in your direction, but you were too distracted by your thoughts to hear what he was saying.

"Are you ready, Y/n?" Shiro asked in his usual friendly tone, smiling as he looked at you.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm ready." You replied, snapping yourself out of your thoughts; you were a little embarrassed for getting distracted.

Shiro stood up and offered you his right hand in which you took, allowing him to help you stand up. There was nothing you could do to hide the light blush that dusted your cheeks. Shiro thought that you were super cute when you got flustered, especially since it usually seemed to happen when he was around. After the two of you walked into the closet and closed the door, Matt set the timer for seven minutes. You knew that you were facing Shiro, but all of a sudden your mouth felt dry and you couldn't think of anything to say.

"Well, I never expected to be back in the closet." Shiro joked, trying to ease the tension between you and himself.

"Y-yeah..." You stammered, your face feeling warmer than it already had when you first walked into the small closet.

Shiro noted how your voice wavered a little as you spoke; he knew that you were nervous about being alone in the closet with him. He liked you a lot, probably more than he should, but he wasn't sure how you felt about him. He didn't want to risk his friendship with you by asking you if you liked him, but he knew that if he didn't, it would keep slowly eating at him. You were thankful that the inside of the closet was mostly dark.

"Is something wrong?" Shiro queried, his tone gentle so as not to make you more nervous.

"Nothing's wrong... It's just... U-um..." You stammered, trying to get up enough courage to tell him how you felt, knowing that you might not get another chance.

Shiro licked his slightly dry lips, his heart beating faster in his chest as he stood in front of you. He knew that he should've asked if he could kiss you, but he didn't say anything as he lightly placed his hands on either side of your face, bent down a little and connected his lips with yours. Your eyes snapped wide open before falling shut when he suddenly kissed you. A warm feeling spread throughout your entire body as you melted into the kiss, your hands finding his shoulders so that you could hold onto him. Your knees felt weak when Shiro deepened the kiss, his tongue running along your bottom lip.

You subconsciously opened your mouth a little so that he could slip his tongue into your cavern, caressing your tongue with his. Shiro could feel your body shaking slightly as you melted into the kiss and let out a barely audible moan. The feelings he had for you increased tenfold as he kissed you. You lost the ability to think straight as you and Shiro's lips moved against each other. Unfortunately, the seven minutes were up before either of you knew it; the two of you didn't even hear the timer go off nor did either of you hear the approaching footsteps.

"Alright you two, come out of the closet and give someone else a chance. Or at least before you two get further, anyway." Blaytz said when he opened the closet door, not at all surprised to see you and Shiro making out.

You and Shiro opened your eyes and broke the kiss just in time to see Blaytz walking back to where everyone else was sitting in a circle. You both had matching blushes on your faces as you let each other go. Shiro coughed awkwardly before the two of you walked out of the closet together. Despite being a little embarrassed, you were happy that Shiro liked you the same way you liked him. You and Shiro sat closely next to each other after rejoining your friend group.

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