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When the bottle stopped, it was pointing to Lotor. You were sure that you were blushing when your eyes met his. You couldn't help but have the biggest crush on the Galtean prince; getting to spend a whole seven minutes alone in a closet with him was a dream come true. Lotor stood up, looking down at you and smiling softly.

"Shall we, my lady?" Lotor asked as he held one of his hands out for you to take.

"Y-yes, we shall." You stuttered awkwardly, taking his hand and standing up.

Lotor smiled as he led you to the closet, turning the light on before letting you go in first. Your face was a light shade of red when he followed you and closed the door behind him. Sendak set the timer for seven minutes right after the door was closed. You were so excited and nervous that you couldn't even look up at him, let alone say anything in fear of embarrassing yourself.

"Is something wrong, Y/n?" Lotor queried as he looked down at you, worry in his tone.

"Huh? Oh, I-I'm fine." You answered quietly, looking up at him but not making eye contact.

"Are you sure? You seem a bit, flustered? Is there something that you wish to tell me?" Lotor questioned, already knowing that you liked him; it was extremely obvious.

"Um… Umm." You replied, unable to get any words out; he was on to you.

"I know that you hold affection for me. I have strong feelings for you as well, Y/n. I would very much like to court you." Lotor said softly, cupping your chin and guiding you to look him in the eye.

"I- yes. Of course I would like that." You said happily, your heart beating faster in your chest.

Lotor knelt down in front of you and placed his hands on your hips, his eyes half lidded as he gazed lovingly into your eyes. You closed your eyes when he slowly closed his eyes while his face got closer to yours. Then, in one short blissful moment, his lips met yours in a soft, passionate kiss. You were in heaven as you wrapped your arms around Lotor's neck, pressing your chest against his. Lotor was elated that you felt the same way about him as he felt about you.

He lightly rubbed your hips, moving his lips against yours. You quietly sighed happily as you kissed him back; his lips felt really good against yours and tasted like your favorite chapstick. Lotor let out a sound between a sigh and a moan as he deepened the kiss. Unfortunately, the timer went off way too soon and the door was opened by Sven, causing you and Lotor to break the kiss.

"Come on you two, your time is up." Sven told you and Lotor before walking back to where everyone was sitting.

You and Lotor blushed as you let go of each other. Lotor stood up and offered one of his hands for you to hold. You smiled as you held his hand, the two of you walking out of the closet together and rejoining the group. You couldn't wait to start doing relationship stuff with Lotor and Lotor couldn't wait to finally court you.

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