Chapter 3

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"America?" Maxon gasp, staring at me then to my...our child. For a moment, my heart swelled at the sight of Maxon cradling his child. Our child. In his arms.

"Your majesty," I say, curtsying. "Thank you for finding Ahren for me. Come on sweetie. It's time for your nap."

"Okay, mommy," Ahren says then stubbornly but adorably rested his head on Maxons chest and slept.

"Oh no, I didn't mean there. I'm sorry, your majesty," I say, with my hands outstretched ready to get my child.

Maxon just kept staring then snapped out of it. "Uh..I'll lead you all to your rooms. And it's Maxon," Maxon says.

"Oh no that's not necessary. I got him," I say, reaching but Ahren stubbornly clung to Maxon. With Ahren in his arms, it was unmistakably easy to tell that Ahren was simply a younger Maxon.

"No. It's alrighr," Maxon says and strolled off to my old room. I reluctantly followed thankful he had guessed the child he carried was his.

Once there, he carefully laid Ahren down next to Eadlyn.

"They're beautiful, America," He smiles stroking both their hands then pulled back. "Both of you must be proud."

I swallowed. "Yeah, I am."

"I? Meaning he isn't supporting you all?" Maxon asks, his eyes widening.

"Yeah...he isn't. But it's alright. You can go now," I say, looking down awkwardly.

"'s nice to see you again, my dear," Maxon says, a slight mischievous smirk played on his lips.

"To you as well," I say, fighting the urge to say I wasn't his dear.

Maxon begin to walk back but turned. "I missed you," He says then closed the door.

I swallow, laying with the twins.

Was I right to deny them their father? Don't they deserve to know their father or grow up without a father. Raising them bad been tough and still is. He can't know.

I sighed, throwing a blanket over us and fell asleep.

When I awoke, the kids were gone. I gasped, shooting up the bed and looking around. "Ahren?? Eadlyn??" I yelled, throwing the door open and running out. "Ahren? Eadlyn?!"

"Woah woah, Mer its alright. Marlee took them so you could sleep. Their with Kyle, Josh, and Lizzie," Aspen says, since he was standing outside my door, guarding.

"Oh. Alright," I say, calming down. I placed my hair in a messy bun and begin to walk to where the kids play.

Thankfully, they were happily playing with their friends and was safe. I begin to walk towards them and froze.

Maxon was sitting with them...playing with them.

"What are you doing?" I ask, taking Eadlyn and Ahren in my arms.

" were just playing," Maxon says cautiously. His hair was disheveled, he was holding a play camera, and had a adorable goofy grin in his face.

My heart melted at the sight of him and how well he got along with the twins. His twins. He was great with kids. And the kids loved him.

I swallowed. "Right...alright."

I watch as the twins return to playing with their father and I felt hot tears piercing my eyes. Was I really so selfish to deny my children this? Him?

"Maxon...," I say, starting but then rebel alarms started blaring through the palace. I gasped, my eyes wide open. What the? Weren't the rebels gone?!

"America! Come on!" Maxon says grasping my arm.

I saw on the corner of my eyes the rebels were already there. I looked at my kids in horror.

"NO!" I trashed in his arms but his grip was tight. He pulled me in a safe room and slammed it shut. Outraged, I screamed and punched him. "YOU B****! WE LEFT OUR KIDS OUT THERE! THEY COULD DIE! IF THEY DIE I SWEAR THE GODS I WILL KILL YOU!"

Maxon walked back and forth. "America, Aspen got them. He was closest to them and took them along with his.....wait what?"

I replayed my words through my mind and gasped.

"Our kids?" Maxon asks, staring at me with so much focus and seriousness.

"Its nothing," I say, turning away and sitting at the farthest corner from him.

"America, what do you mean our kids?" Maxon ask, walking in front of me.

"I said it's nothing," I say too quickly.

Maxon stared at the ceiling as if everything made sense. No one could have gotten me pregnant since the twins were three and if someone had gotten me pregnant, it was during the last days of the selection. Which explained Ahren's looks and Eadlyn's. He'd also kept tabs on America when she left, making sure her and her family was alright. He never heard of her having relationship with anyone else.

"America, tell me the truth. Am I their father," Maxon ask seriously, staring at me.

I looked away which was an enough answer for him.

He backed up a few steps, running a hand through his hair in disbelief. "When were you ever going to tell me that I had kids? Were you even planning on telling them I was their father?" He said with scary calmness.

"Why shouldn't I?! Oh hey kids, your father left us for another women without even letting me explain?! Yeah, he left us. Was that what I was suppose to say?! It's better for them to not know their father!" I yelled, throwing up my arms.

"I...," Maxon says, thinking of a report back but came up with nothing. "They still deserve to know. I deserved to know. America, gods, if I could only turn back time, I would in a heartbeat. I'd take back everything and chose you. If it meant having this with you, the kids, and loving you forever. I would. I regret ever choosing Kriss over you. There's never been a day I haven't thought of you, my dear. Not a single one. And even if three years already passed, I still love you, America. My love for you will never go. It only increased after...after finding out about our children. "

I forced myself to meet his gaze as tears poured from my eyes. "I'm not your dear."

Maxon half laughed and half cried before pulling me tight against his chest.

I hesitate then hugged him back, burying my face in his chest. I breath him in, letting tears pour out.

"I love you, America. So so so so so much. And I'll love our kids as much as I love you, I promise," Maxon says as he pulled back.

I didn't reply, instead I crashed my lips against his, savoring its familiarity, softness, and warmth. Then and only then I replied between kisses. "God's I love you."

With that, he pulled me in his arms, both of us in tears. I rest my head in his chest while he buried his in my hair. We stayed like that till the guards found us and the rebels were gone.

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