Chapter 5

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"Darling? Are you alright?" Maxon asks, his eyes full of worry.

I blink, staring at the twins then to Maxon. "Yeah...yeah I'm fine. Just getting used to this," I say. It was the day after the fake alarm. It was bizarre to find myself wrapped in Maxons arms again. I knew that even if I was fueling mad at him for choosing Kriss, I still loved him. I loved him even more, seeing him with our children.

"If you say so," Maxon says, pulling me in a hug. I cuddled to his chest, breathing him in.

Till we were interrupted by a series of knocking on the door.

"Cominggg," Maxon groans, opening the door.

There stood a woman, around...her 20's. Same age as Maxon and I. She had a swelling stomach and her face filled with a emotion that made my stomach lurch.

"Hello, babe," she smiled.

"Babe??" I ask, looking to Maxon.

Maxon turned pale, so pale it almost seemed that he was a corpse. "Daphne...,"

"Honey? Aren't you forgetting that today's our baby screening?" Daphne says, rubbing her swelled stomach.

"Um....I...," Maxon says, stuttering.

I gaped at him in disbelief.

So he did move on during the years I was gone. He didn't just move on...he had a family with someone as well. He...he had a child with someone else.

I swallowed, shaking my head. Just when I thought nothing couldn't be better, it could be worse. I put on a cold face and turned away. "It seems you're late for something. Go," I say, pushing him out of the room and quickly closing it.

I collapsed against the door, tears pouring out. So he did move on when I left.

"Mommy?" The twins called, getting out of bed.

I quickly wiped my tears away. "Hey sweetie."

"You right?" Ahren asks looking up at me. I couldn't look back, all I saw was Maxon in him and how he lied.

"I'm going to be, honey. We're going to visit, grandma okay?" I say, taking off my ring and placing it on his desk and writing a note.

Be happy

I took the twins hands and walked out the door.

Maxon and of his stopped talking to look at me.

Maxon went paler than he's ever been, staring at me then the twins.

"America...," He says.

Instead of looking at him, I look to Daphne. "Congrats," I say before walking off.

"America wait," Maxon says, grasping my arms.

I tore his hand off my arm, giving him a death glare. "No, Maxon. It's over. I don't want to see you ever again," I say and walked away.

"They're my kids too, America!" Maxon says exasperatly.

"Yeah, they are," I nod to Daphne.

The twins looked back and forth from their father and I.

I quickly walked faster, both of them in my arms and threw open the door. I called the driver to bring us back to our house.

"Don't stop, no matter what," I say to the driver, spotting Maxon by the door. His face was streaked with tears and pain. I look away. I had kids to take care of. It was better for them to never know their father. They were young, they'd forget.

"Goodbye, Maxon," I say as the car zoomed off to our house.

The twins were now sobbing, confused and still half asleep.

"Shhh," I say, wiping their tears. "We're going away for a little while, okay? I promise everything's going to be alright." I hug them close to my heart.

"Where's Daddy?" Ahren sobbed, clinging to me.

"Gone. But, I...I promise that you won't grow up without a father. Just nor him," I say. There was quite a lot of suitors when I got back from the Selection. More than a hundred lined up my door. Could I love one of them? Could they be my kids father?

The car stopped on front of my house and I quickly got out with the twins. "Thank you," I say to the driver before walking inside our house.

I rummage through the cabinet looking for my money stash I've saved up. I found the piggy bank and smashed it to bits, pouring my anger for Maxon into the bank.

"Mommy?" The twins sobbed, looking up at me.

I quickly scooped the remains away and look down at them. "Sorry, sweetie. Come on, pack your toys."

"Where going?" Eadlyn asks. "Grammy?"

"No, sweetie. We're going to visit a friend of mine, okay?" I smile, ruffling their hairs.

There wasn't time for mourning, I had kids to take care of.

I found a map, place it on the table, and sat down.

Our neighboring country was Britain, where Celeste and her husband resided. She always said that if I needed somewhere to go, I was free to find her.

Plus, Britain was a good distance from Maxon. Giving me time to move on, start a new life, find a non cheating husband, and take care of the kids.

I pack all our belongings to our suitcases, buying a plane ticket, and ordering a cab to take us there.

"Britain, here I come."


"Maxon, dear, look at our children," Daphne cooed. I stare at the screen, watching my greatest mistake squirm.

I had been drunk then, longing for America when Daphne came.

Looking at my drunkenness, she'd used it for her own advantage.

According to the law, I was to take care of our children and Daphne.

I forced a smile on my face. "They're lovely."

I have to get America back. No matter what. Damn the law. Damn the country. I had to get America and our children back.

Secret POV

"Butler, if you may please get my stylist," I say, staring at myself in the mirror.

"Right away, your majesty," my butler replied, rushing off to fetch my stylist.

"Whats in your mind?" My best friend ask, lounging by the couch.

"I think its time for me to find a wife, don't you think? I can't grow old and prone by myself. Out there is a lovely lady for me," I say.

"Right. Well you have fun with that. My wife's friend is coming over, I have to go," my friend says, patting me in the back before leaving.

The stylist came right after.

"Love, if you may please. I was thinking of dying my hair, black. It's too much of a resemblance of my unfaithful father and makes me look too much like my brother," I say, running a hand through my blonde hair.

My father had used my mother as one of his flings because of his boring wife.

"Right away, your majesty," she says, and got to work.

An hour later, I stare at myself in the mirror.

"Bloody hell, Haley. Its...wonderful. Thank you," I say before dismissing her.

I run a hand through my now black hair. My blue eyes standing out more.

I had a wife to find.

Wherever you are, I will find you. No matter what. I will love you like no one's ever loved you, love. I can't wait to meet you.

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