Him. Part 3

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-When he found her-

I nursed my drink as I looked at my painting. It was of her. I couldn't take my eyes of it.

Wishing it was real.

And with that my hand held on the glass tightly. My eyes then went to more portraits.

Taking one last sip, I walked out as I locked the door. I walked to my room as I passed the photos taken by her.

I groaned as I opened my room door and one female sat on my bed naked, with her legs wide apart. Letting me see her.

I felt disgusted, I walked inside as I started to walk to my bathroom. She made a weird noise from her mouth before saying "Don"

I ignored her as I went inside the washroom, did my business ad changed into my suit and I wished she left, but that leech didn't.

Some people just don't take a hint.

I stood outside my bathroom and I rubbed her forehead in annoyance.

"Don, I'm here, you can let me pleasu-"

*Band* *bang*

And with that I shot her.

'Annoying bitches'

I have no clue why these sluts try to have sex with me. After Angel, I don't even feel aroused seeing anyone else.

I was about to call up someone for a clean up when head of security, Josh, gave me a call.

After my previous security head, whom I killed, I got josh. And he has been the best.

It has been 5 years.

5 whole fucking years since she ran away. No one could find her.

I know for a fact that she hasn't left the country, but where is she?

We have searched every small corner, but she is nowhere to be found.

Currently josh is on a holiday with his wife. They live in a very secluded town which isn't even on map. I thought about searching there too, but then I thought, if josh lives there then he would have told me.


"I found her"

And those 3 words made me freeze in my spot.

"Say it again. And if you are wrong, I will personally behead you"

"I found her"

"I'll be there in the tomorrow morning, get the cars ready"

I cut the call and I took in a deep breath.

I felt hope. I felt something I never felt.

I was still in my room and that whore's blood was over my floor.

I called up the housecleaning and left the room.

I got in my car and to the shelter, a place which remined me of her. Throughout the way I thought about her.

Will she still have those soft rolls?

Will she still have those thick thighs that I loved to wrap around my neck?

Will she still  be drop dead beautiful or turned more beautiful?

And thoughts like this made me hard. I shifted in my seat. And then a thought came to my mind.

Would she be in a relationship?

And my hands held the steering wheel tightly. Just the thought of another guy next to her, touching her like I should, made me mad.

But then I remembered who I am.

I will kill him. I don't care about her feelings for him, which she better not. And if she has, bad for her.

Only I can bury my dick in her sweet pussy.

Her pussy is mine to claim and ruin.

And I will do it tomorrow, even if there is blood-shed.

And with that I reached the shelter and seeing the dogs made me happy, just like she did. 


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