Chapter 1

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I was in my room, finishing up with the packing. I was leaving for university this weekend. So basically it would be The Beginning of my new life on my own. No more parents, yelling at you to clean your room, no more stupid chores. I would finally have the chance to be an independent adult. Okay maybe I would to parties and get wasted as well because no one would be waiting on me and could go home whenever I wanted. Oh sweet freedom. I was so exited to leave my parents house and begin to make decisions of my own.

"Are done with the packing yet? You don't have to take everything at once, you know?" My mother was standing at the door with wide eyes because she saw my suitcase. Oh man, I swear if I put one more T-shirt in it, it may explode.

"Yeah, I know Mum. It's just that I wanted to get this over with, you know, the whole moving thing. But I may have to comeback for some things that I decided that aren't essential for the now." I was really tired from this moving process but I guess this the price of freedom.

"Okay honey tell us when you're ready so we can start putting your things in the car. We will still drive you there, no matter what you say!" She said it in an overly sweet tone just to let me know that she won the fight we had earlier.

"Muuum." I whined loudly. "I already told you that I will be just fine in the train. You and dad don't have to drive to Bristol just to help me with my three suitcases. Okay maybe they are a little bit too heavy but... "She didn't even let me finish my sentence.

"Listen I won't be having the same conversation again. We will come and that's final." And she left me in my room to finish up.

I was maybe overreacting a little bit but knowing my mum, she would ask the dorm administrator to put me in "boys free" floor. She can be a little overprotective sometimes and honestly it suffocates me because I need to make my own mistakes to find out what is good for me.

When I was finally done with the packing, I looked around the room that I was sharing with my little sister. She was 7 years younger than me and let me tell you that it wasn't a joy to share a room with her. It meant no privacy at all, because she went through my stuff all the time and we had fights all the time. The only thing that I had really for my self was my phone and my laptop. Those were the two most precious thing in my whole life and this may or may not make me sound weird. But you have to wait until you hear how I spend my free time.

I went in the living room and saw my mum and dad watching TV and my little sister on the laptop.

"Guys I think I'm ready to go now, I left a couple of things here but I will come by at the next week end to pick them up. Can we go now?" I was hoping they were ready so we leave already. I couldn't wait to see my dorm and start classes Monday. Yeah, as weird as it sounds I really wanted to start university.

"Yes, honey, we can go now. Go help your dad with the suitcases. And please try not to sound that happy that you're leaving us." She laughed and she went to take her bag and her coat while my sister did the same.

I helped dad with the bags and saw that he was smiling at me the whole time.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I was feeling a little awkward, because I was never really close to my parents and when they smile at me like that for no apparent reason, I found it strange.

"No sweetheart, it's just that..." he paused looking at me with the same smile on his face. "We are really proud of you for picking this university, you were accepted and now you're leaving our house to study. I hope you know it." He said it in such a sincere way that I almost felt guilty for picking up a fight with them earlier about the whole driving thing.

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