Chapter 10

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We entered the dorm building, still holding hands, we took the lift and he pushed the button for our floor. Halfway it was me who broke the silence because he hit the stop button.

"What are you doing?" We locked gazes and he just smiled, slowly leaning in. I knew I should have done something to stop him but my brain stopped functioning and my body froze completely. He was so close that I could practically feel his lips hovering over mine. I was waiting for him to kiss me but was staring with his green eyes, like he was challenging me.

"You're such a f.ucking tease!" My voice came out small, barely auditable and if he wasn't so close to me, he wouldn't had heard. He just shook his head and smashed his lips on mine. There was something about that kiss, very different sensation from anything I've experienced before. Finally all the images in my head that I had during the week came to life. Our lips were moving perfectly together and it felt so natural, so good. He dropped my hand and moved his own around my waist; mine made their way to his neck, slowly feeling his hard chest too. He shivered at the contact and I knew I somehow affected him.

He took my bottom lip between his teeth, his tongue begging me for entrance. I wanted to tease him a bit more even though I was quite desperate for his touch by now. I heard his low groan which made me smile against his lips. A few seconds later I gave up and our tongues were dancing together, almost as if we had been kissing each other our whole lives. He brought me even closer if it was even humanly possible. When we pulled away for a second, we both struggled to catch our breaths and as our chests were pressed together I could feel his raging heartbeat, matching mine. His hands slowly moved to my ass and he looked me in the eyes, I immediately took it as a sign to jump up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and his lips found my neck, leaving sloppy kisses.

I tangled my fingers in his hair and moved my head back to give him more access; a soft moan came out of my lips. I could feel his smirk against my neck and he squeezed my ass. Jack trailed down to my collarbone and it almost threw me off the edge, then he crashed his lips against mine again, shoving his tongue without permission.

We were so lost in the moment that when the lift started going down, we almost fell to the floor. We broke apart and tried to regain our posture. 

And in that very moment a realization hit me like a thousand bricks. What we did was wrong for so many reasons, we were cheaters and we hurt our current partners. When the door opened, I immediately started running towards my dorm, without saying anything or looking back.

"Wait! We have talk about this!" He grabbed my wrist to stop me and turned me around. My eyes were wide and I couldn't catch my breath.

"Talk about it? Really, Jack? And what, will this change the fact that we are cheaters?" I yelled even though the fault wasn't only his, I shouldn't have took his hand or kiss him back. Tears of anger were building in my eyes and I didn't even care to hide them.

"It's going to fine, we aren't bad people. We were just doing what we craved to do for so long now." He whispered and brushed his thumb across my cheek. His eyes were full of concern and it was somehow comforting.

"But this is so selfish. What about Liza and Alfie?" My voice was trembling, giving out so many emotions. I felt like shit for not thinking before doing something and alcohol was a lame excuse for what we did. He must have seen that I was beating myself up so he pulled me in a hug. I tried to get out of his grasp which only made him tighten his arms around me.

"Shh...It's going to be okay. We are going to be okay." I admired his optimism about the shitty situation. But for a second I wanted to believe him and I did, wrapping my arms around his waist. We stayed like this for a while, this hug was all I needed right now, to know that my world wouldn't crash down around me.

"Come on, let's get some sleep. It will do us good." The sound of his voice made feel safe, like I could trust him. He let go of me to search for his keys and I immediately felt empty and cold without his touch. It scared me to death to know that I was so dependent of him, as if I needed him close to me forever.

He took my hand, intertwining our fingers and I followed him in his room. I couldn't spend the night alone; I would go mental with all this guilt.

"Here, put this T-shirt." I took it and nervously glanced at him.

"Oh yeah, I'll go to the bathroom and you can change in here." Jack smiled softly at me and headed to the bathroom. It was a Jacksgap t-shirt, yeah, cheeky as always, I would give him that. I quickly undressed myself and put his shirt which stopped just mid-thigh.

Normally I would feel embarrassed but we did far worse in the lift so this was the least thing bothering me. I lied on the bed waiting for him to join me.

"I wanted to see you in my shirt!" He whined since I was already under the comfy duvets.

"You can't have everything you want, I guess!" I laughed at his childish behaviour.

"Oh yeah? I wanted you and look at us, now." He got in bed too and scooted closer to me. He put his hand on my hips to catch my attention, his beautiful green eyes already searching for mine brown ones.

"You know, I'm not always an asshole as you think." I could tell he was sincere and I felt bad for calling him like that on many occasions. I smiled and put my head at the crook of his neck.

"Yeah, I know. We just had an awful start." I whispered and we laughed together. He placed his chin on my head and everything felt so peaceful, like we were living in our own little bubble. My hand was on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat.

Iwas already half asleep when I felt his lips on my forehead and the last thingI heard before falling to sleep was: "We are going to figure this out.Goodnight princess."     

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