Chapter 1 • Burned

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Includes strong language.

You've been on the Dream SMP for a year. You were close with everyone except for one person:


Ever since the first time you met online, he was nothing but rude to you. Since he was always rude to you, you became rude back and soon, you two were known as one of the top enemies on the SMP. As characters and as yourselves.

❥Facts about you:

- You live in California
- You're 21
- Your only friends are people on the SMP
- You have insomnia

❥ A New Day:

- Y/N's POV-
My alarm woke me up at 10am. I groaned as I heard the dreadful sound. I rolled over to my side to grab my phone off of my nightstand.

"God, I hate insomnia." I thought to myself, knowing I went to bed at 6am.

After I shut off my alarm, I immediately hopped in the shower to wake myself up.

Once I was finished with my shower, I saw 7 notifications on my phone from a discord chat with Dream, George and Sapnap.

Y/N get on discord!!

Wake upppp

Get up you lazy idiot

As I saw Sapnap's message, my jaw clenched.

He was always rude to me for no reason. No matter what I did, he wouldn't like me. After knowing him and everyone on the SMP for a year, I figured that Sapnap would be nicer but he hasn't changed one bit. It was quite annoying.

After grabbing whatever junk food I could find in the cabinets, I hopped on Discord, joining their call.

"About time Y/N."

"I'm here, shut up."

No one knew about my insomnia. I didn't want anyone knowing or asking why I had it.

"Hop on the server."

"5 steps ahead of you Gogy." I smiled as I loaded up Minecraft.

"Did you just wake up? You sound tired."

"She was probably out late like the slut she is."

I clenched my jaw while tightening my grip on my mouse.


"At least someone wants to fuck me. Unlike you dumb ass." I lied.

I heard him scoff and knew he rolled his eyes to my comment.

"Okayyy," George said awkwardly, "Y/N, let's continue our house."

"Okay. I'll go find some more mushrooms for the entrance."

George and I built a house together one day when Sapnap pissed me off extra badly. George did it to cheer me up which it did.

Soon, I went on my quest to find mushrooms. Once I found some, I suddenly lost 3 hearts. My eyes widened as I gasped. I turned around quickly to see Sapnap hitting me with his axe.

"What are you doing you idiot??" I yelled while slashing him with my sword.

"You're in the way—" he yelled back.

After getting a few hits in, he killed me.

"Yes!! You're so bad Y/N."

I rage quit and clicked "Disconnect". Dream started wheezing.

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