Chapter 17 • Friends

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Includes strong language.

I don't know how y'all feel about smut so therefore I won't be writing it, at least in this chapter, so let me know if you guys want smut!

-Y/N's POV-
My alarm blared at 10am. I groaned awake as I rolled over to my right side, pressing the screen desperately, trying to shut it up. After pressing my screen aggressively, I heard my phone fall off the nightstand onto the floor. I sighed then finally opened my eyes and leaned over the bed to pick it up and shut off the alarm normally.

Once I did, I set my phone down next to me as my eyes stared at the ceiling. My thoughts trailed to what happened last night.

"God, why did I kiss him?" I covered my face up with my hands as I groaned, "I can't believe we had sex. What the hell is wrong with me? How can I even face him today?"

I woke up on the couch to see Dream shaking me awake.

"Wake up—" he shook my shoulders more.

"What?" I groaned while turning to my other side.

"Why're you on the couch and why is Y/N in your bed?"

My eyes shot open.

"Fuck." I remembered what happened last night.

"U—um..." I sighed nervously.

"Did you two have a fight?"

"Not exactly..." I mumbled.

Suddenly, I heard Y/N's alarm go off from my room. My eyes widened at the door then Dream patted my shoulder.

"Let's get some breakfast so we can talk." He whispered then I nodded.

He offered me his hand then we walked to the door. Dream grabbed his car keys then we left, shutting the door quietly.

Once we made it inside the car, he took off.

"So, what happened?" He asked while keeping his eyes on the road.

I sighed nervously.

"Okay...when you were gone...Y/N and I...kissed."

His eyes widened as they darted to me. He immediately smiled.

"I knew you two liked each other."

"Well...I don't know for sure if she likes me. I mean, yesterday we were just messing around—"

"Did you two fuck??" His eyes widened.

I cleared my throat while looking out the window.


Dream suddenly jerked the car to the right side of the road then parked the car. My eyes widened.

"Tell me everything. Well—not everything. Just the good parts. Wait—"

I chuckled.

"I get it..." I sighed nervously as my smile faded, "Okay...the whole day, we were flirting with each other but as a joke. It kind of turned into a competition in a way to see who could do it better but trust me, I was enjoying the whole thing."

"I bet." He laughed.

"So..." I scratched the back of my head, "The thing I bought from the store was...lingerie that she picked out as a joke."

Dream immediately bursted out in a loud wheeze while I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways—" I raised my voice, "I flirted with her a lot more after you left for the ceremony and...I told her to try it on and she did..."

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