Chapter 29 • Wednesday

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
That night, I didn't sleep.

I should've known Catherine liked him when she said Sapnap was her favorite member. I knew tomorrow I'd have to watch his whole stream to see what really happened when I wasn't here.

When I came up behind him, he looked like a deer caught in headlights. Like he was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing.

The donation bothered me too.

A love triangle, seriously?

Sapnap is MY boyfriend, not Catherine's. I needed to let her know that. Hell, I needed everyone to know that so no one shipped them. Tomorrow I wouldn't hold back anymore.

I was gonna tell everyone about us.

• Wednesday •

When I woke up, Y/N wasn't in the bed beside me. My eyebrows squished together. I noticed her phone was gone from the nightstand as well. The house was awfully quiet too.

I grabbed my phone off of the other nightstand to see a text from Y/N.

Went out to get iHop for us

I sighed in relief then texted back.


-Y/N's POV-
I sat on the park bench with my phone on my lap, my AirPods in.

In the stream, a donation popped up.

user813 donated $25:
"CatNip owns my soul now" it read aloud.

Sapnap and Catherine bursted out laughing.

"Please not the CatNip."

"I like it to be honest," He smiled, "It's hilarious."

"I don't want our ship name to be named after cat food." She laughed.

I clenched my jaw at her comment, and the fact that Sapnap didn't deny the ship. He was perfectly okay with everyone shipping them, even though he had a girlfriend.

I watched the full hour stream. I heard all the dirty jokes, all the fans shipping it. Then I saw the part when I showed up. How scared Sapnap looked, and Catherine's reaction to it, along with the chats.

I swallowed hard then I recieved a text from Sapnap.

Everything ok?

Lots of traffic today
Be home soon

Ok drive safe

I sighed then leaned back in the bench.

I didn't know if I was paranoid or spot on, but in the video, I sensed something between them.

That's when an idea hit.

I quickly texted Dream.

Hey quick question
Where does Catherine live?

He replied after a minute.

She's in Florida

No reason

I sighed nervously then stood up, knowing what I had to do.

After driving to iHop, I picked up pancakes for the two of us then sped home to put my plan into action.

Once I entered the house, I shut the door behind me to see Sapnap sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. His head shot up to me once he heard the door shut.

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