Chapter 24 • Kiss

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
Our lips stayed connected for a few seconds until we pulled away. Once we did, he set his forehead against mine with the biggest smile.

"How'd that feel?" He asked quietly.

"Good...really, really good." I whispered with a smile, shutting my eyes.

Sapnap kissed my forehead then intertwined our fingers, leading us back into the house.

Inside, he turned around to shut the door when something came over me. I pushed his back to the door, making it shut. He turned around and once he did, I instantly connected our lips roughly as I ran my hands through his hair, pressing our bodies together.

For that moment, I didn't care about my fears. I only cared about how he made me feel, how I've never felt anything like this, and how badly I wanted to cave in.

Sapnap returned the kiss with no hesitation as he gripped my waist. After that, I started to walk backwards to my room without breaking the kiss. Once we reached the doorframe, he suddenly split apart from the kiss.

"What's wrong?" My eyebrows squished together.

He looked down as he took a deep breath.

"I can't do this..." he said quietly.

"Why not?" I frowned.

Sapnap lifted his head up slowly to meet my eyes.
His looked so full of regret and sadness, it hurt me.

"I can't do this if it's gonna end the same way it did last time..." he said lowly.

I didn't realize this could be hurting him.

I swallowed hard as I looked away from him. Guilt crept to my chest. I took a deep breath and backed away from him.

"I'm sorry—" I shook my head.

"It's okay..." he said quietly, his eyes on the walls.

"If it was okay, you would have looked at me when you said it." I thought with a sigh.

We stood in silence, him staring away from me with a frown that made my heart hurt. After a few seconds, his phone rang, making both of us jump.

Sapnap took it out of his pocket and accepted the call instantly, turning around to go into his room.


Shortly, I heard his door shut, that's when I sighed while shutting my eyes, hating myself for ruining everything.

I sat down on the edge of my bed as I held the phone up to my ear.

"How's Y/N?"

"She...she's good."

"Good. Now I can yell at you for leaving moving day to me and George."

I sighed.

"Y—yeah. I'm—I'm sorry for that." I wiped my forehead, "Um—I'll make up for that..."

He was silent for a moment.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really, no." I said lowly while looking down at my socks.

"Wanna talk about it?"

I took a deep breath.

"Y/N and I kissed again and then...we almost slept together again when I stopped it..."

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