Chapter 6 • Trouble

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Includes strong language and attempted sexual assault.

- Y/N's POV-
Once we made it inside, the music was hella loud. I could barely hear the conversations next to me. Dream held my hand tighter as we pushed past people. I quickly looked back at Sapnap and grabbed his hand so we wouldn't lose track of him too.

Y/N quickly grabbed my hand and my face immediately heated up.

"Why does she have this effect on me? And why do her hands have to be so damn soft?" I thought.

- Y/N's POV-
Once the three of us made it to the kitchen, Dream found the alcohol and gave us each a bottle.

"I'm good." He said while setting the bottle down on the counter.

"Why? Let loose."

"I just don't feel like it."

Dream and I shrugged then took a sip of our drinks. Our faces squished together as I coughed.

"That's interesting."

Sapnap clenched his jaw then my favorite song came on. My eyes lit up.

"Oh, I love this song!" I yelled over the music.

"Care to dance m'lady?" He held out his hand as the alcohol already went right through him, along with me.

"Of course!" I smiled then took his hand.

Dream led us to the dance floor in the living room across from the kitchen. Once we made it to the side, his drunk self started to dance like the goof he was. I laughed then started to dance equally as dorky.

I stood in the kitchen watching them and couldn't help but laugh at how Y/N was dancing.

"She can't dance for shit." I thought.

After that thought, I had the urge to use the bathroom. I pushed past people and found the bathroom shortly. Once I did my business, I came back to the kitchen to see Dream and Y/N were gone. My eyes widened.

"Great." I ran away, trying to find them.

- Y/N's POV-
Dream took me by the hand and led us to the pool. We took more sips of our drinks as our tastebuds got used to the flavor. We both looked at each other then bursted out laughing at literally nothing.

A few moments later, Dream looked over my shoulder at the inside of the house and smirked. Then he looked down at me.

"Kiss me."

"What??" My eyes widened as my smile faded.

"Sapnap's looking at us. You wanna piss him off?"

I smirked then Dream cupped my face with his hands and kissed me.

I turned my head to see Y/N and Dream talking by the pool. I sighed in relief then started walking that way. Suddenly, I saw Dream lean in and kiss her. I froze in my tracks as my heart dropped.

"I fucking knew it—" I mumbled then pushed past people as I ran to them.

I ran out the door then tackled Dream, resulting in both of us falling into the pool.

- Y/N's POV-
Dream was honestly not a bad kisser but I felt nothing when it happened.

Before I knew it, Sapnap tackled Dream into the swimming pool. I gasped and saw them fighting in the water.

"Sapnap!!" I shouted but he kept pushing Dream's head underwater.

Anxiety overcame me. I couldn't take the stress so I ran back into the house as fast as I could.

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