Chapter 21 • Sleepover

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
I let out a small laugh as my eyebrows squished together.

"Hi..." I said softly, "What—what are you doing here?"

"I know why you came back here..." he frowned.

I sighed nervously as my smile faded.

"It's the same reason why you didn't wanna come to Florida in the first place..." he shook his head, "I'm sorry we kissed, I'm sorry for escalating it—"

My eyebrows raised as my eyes widened.


He shut his eyes.

"I want you in my life, Y/N."

I smiled with a slight blush.

"I'm..." I let out another small laugh, "You came all this way just because you thought I was mad at you?"

He froze.

"You''re not mad at me?"

"No." I laughed while shaking my head.

Sapnap lowered his shoulders with a light smile.

"Yeah...I—I knew that." He scratched the back of his head while I laughed more.

"C'mon." I moved out of the way so he could walk in.

Once he did, he dragged his suitcase with him. I eyed his suitcase then shut the door after he walked in fully.

"So, if it wasn't me that made you leave, what was it?"

My eyes fell to the floor as I took a deep breath.

"Um..." I swallowed hard, "This house..."

His eyebrows squished together as he put his hands in his pockets.

"I thought you were gonna buy a new one in Florida?"

"I was...and then I thought about this house..." I looked around while breathing out nervously.

"What makes this house special?"

I lowered my head as the tears filled my eyes immediately. I slowly turned around to face him. His eyes widened after he saw my form.

"I'm sorry—you don't have to explain—"

"I do..." I whispered, "I owe you guys an explanation for leaving without saying anything..."

I swallowed hard while looking away from him.

"I've always been the girl behind the light blue door...everyone would call my life perfect..." I shook my head as I sighed.

He walked closer to me with a frown.

"This um..." I shut my eyes as I took a shaky breath out, "This house is the only...the only thing I have left mom..."

My eyebrows squished together as I frowned at the painting above the couch. I sniffled then I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders tightly. My eyes widened as I tensed up for a moment.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered.

My eyes trailed down as he slowly let go.

"I—I can leave you alone—" He headed for the door when I quickly turned around and grabbed his wrist.

He looked at me with his eyes widened.

"Can you stay...please?" I said quietly.

Sapnap nodded with a light smile. I looked down at his wrist then let go.

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