Chapter 22 • Painting

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Includes strong language.

-Y/N's POV-
After he said that, he said his goodnight and left, leaving me with red ass cheeks and high ass emotions.

I laid my head against my pillow as I took a deep breath in, replaying everything that's happened tonight.

Of course I had feelings for him. How could I not? When he kissed me, I felt so happy, so alive. That night it didn't feel like we had sex. It felt like we made love, like we were in love.

But, I was dealing with too much right now. It wouldn't be fair to give him half of me when he deserved all of me.

After all my overthinking, my mind finally fell asleep along with the rest of me.


The next morning, I woke up to the smell of eggs and toast. I shifted in my bed as I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the bright lighting.

"Morning sunshine." He set down a tray with eggs, toast and orange juice on it.

My eyes widened as I blinked several times to wake myself up. I sat up.

"You made this for me?"


"Boyfriend material." I thought with a grin.

"You didn't have to do this for me..."

"I wanted to." I smiled.

She smiled back at me with a very noticeable blush.

"Thank you..."

"No problem."

"It's funny how you went from calling me a slut to making me breakfast and bed." She joked with a grin, taking a bite of her eggs.

I scoffed while shaking my head with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah. Sue me." I joked.

Her smile faded as she looked down at the toast.

"Are you going back to Florida today...?" She asked quietly with a frown.

"Nope. I'm gonna give DNF some time to fall in love. Besides, todays moving day and I really don't wanna be there to do work." I raised my eyebrows with a smile.

She laughed while shaking her head.

"So, I'll stay. Of course, if you want me here anyway."

"Having you here wouldn't hurt, I suppose." She joked while we smiled at each other.

She then grabbed her phone off of her nightstand and saw it was 2pm. Her eyes widened.

"Why didn't my alarm go off?? I set it for 10–"

"I changed it so you'd get some sleep."

"Just like I changed it to an hour later the first day I came." I thought with a smile.

Y/N sighed while shutting her eyes, shaking her head.

"That's gonna put me on a bad schedule now."

"Well, I'll stay up with you like last night."

She frowned as she looked up at me.

"I don't want you ruining your sleep schedule for me."

"My sleep schedule wasn't that good to begin with." I chuckled, "Now, what do you wanna do today?"

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