Chapter 4 • Unexpected

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Includes strong language.

- Y/N's POV-
I didn't wake up until midnight. I woke up in my own bed and sighed while remembering I fell asleep while watching the movie. My stomach growled but I didn't wanna wake up Dream so I stayed in my room.

A few moments later, I decided to go on Twitter. Once my feed refreshed, I saw a video of me sleeping on Dream's shoulder. My eyes widened as my eyebrows squished together.

"What the fuck—" I whispered then quickly went to Dreams Instagram story to see it, "That asshole. I look like shit."

After rolling my eyes, I made my way back to Twitter to read the comments.

user193: Y/N + Dream, I'm calling it y'all lol
user2941: My ship is finally sailing :)
user112 replied to user2941: noooo i want her to be with sapnap :(

My eyes widened at the last comment.

"What?? Do people really ship us? If they do, why? All we do is fight." I thought.

A few minutes later, I got off of Twitter and logged onto Minecraft. I joined the server shortly and began cave exploring for fun.

I couldn't sleep that night because Sapnap kept sending me a million messages and my phone kept buzzing.

Why'd you lie to me??
You never told me you were going to visit Y/N
Why didn't you invite me?
I saw your story.
Do you like her??

After trying to ignore him for hours, it didn't work. He kept sending me the same messages. Some, he sent by individual letters.






I finally texted back at 3am once I had enough of his bullshit.

I didn't tell you that I was visiting her because I knew she wouldn't want you to come along.
You argue with her all the time and you did hurt her at the time.

Do you like her or not??

Truth was, I didn't. But I decided to get a little payback on him for hurting her.

What if I do?
What's it to you?
𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑. 3:04𝑎𝑚

After that last message, he didn't text me for the rest of the night.

"Thank God, he finally shut up." I mumbled to myself while rubbing my eye.

Shortly, I fell asleep.

After I saw that message, I knew that getting on the plane was the right decision. I didn't know what I was gonna do when I got to Y/N's house but I did know that nothing would happen between her and Dream with me there.

After nearly 5 hours of my flight, I arrived in California. Once I got my luggage, I walked outside and looked at the time.


I remembered Y/N told us her address a while ago through a group chat. Once I found it, I got an Uber to take me there.

My body woke me up at 8:30am and decided to make me not fall back asleep. I groaned awake as I hopped in the shower. After I got dressed, I made my way to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.

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