Chapter Two

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Upon arriving outside in the fresh, powdered rock-free air, Celeste discovered her sister waiting for her.

"So did the deal go down smoothly or are we going to have to find another supplier?" They were the first words out of Astrid's mouth, leaving Celeste, for once in her life, completely lost for an answer.

"Pardon?" Was the only thing Celeste could think to respond, along with a completely confused expression.

"Also, The head of the Italian Mob is in town. Izabela Dobravira. Apparently, she arrived 10 minutes ago. Also. What's with all of the smoke that's pouring out of the market? Did someone cast a smoke spell again? They do know that's illegal right?" She was walking to the car and not looking at her sister and definitely not properly listening for a response and so had somehow missed the fact that Celeste had bits of rock in her hair and cuts all over her bared skin. But she had noticed the smoke pouring out of the entrance to the market. Sometimes Celeste didn't know what to do with her sister. Passersby had noticed the state Celeste was in however, and she was getting stares. Celeste returned them with the full force.

Celeste decided that if Astrid wasn't going to acknowledge her state, then neither was she. At least not immediately. "Oh is she? That's a nice surprise. I do wish people would give us a heads up whenever they decided to grace us with their presence. Have the staff been notified?" A quick glance to her sister saw that she had nodded her head, "And no. No one decided to set off a smoke bomb, but rather create a contained earthquake that took out all of the lighting and much of the market itself. And it's patrons of course. Not many will make it out of this alive. Unless they can regenerate of course..." She trailed off when she noticed her sister staring at her, mouth agape. "Also I didn't manage to make it to the deal what with the contained earthquake that occurred and apparently scared the witch away. So I get the feeling that that deal has been lost. But maybe I'm wrong." Celeste continued walking only to notice that Astrid was a few steps behind her, glancing between the entrance to the market and Celeste. Her intentions were written all over her face.

"Do not dare go back. We have bigger problems. I helped who I could before I left and doing more would make us look like we cared." Celeste continued walking expecting her sister to follow. When she didn't hear her footsteps she paused and turned to her again. "Astrid, you are causing a scene. We do not have time for this. You can be a good person later if you must. Right now we have to be back at the town house otherwise my Sire will be calling me to her and causing more pain than is strictly necessary considering the situation is already going to be painful enough as it is. Izabela and Jean have never been in the same room. Now come. Please." This time when she turned and walked she could hear Astrid's footsteps following and knew she had finally won her over. There was a chance Astrid would still decide to go back and help later but it seemed she finally understood the weight of the situation ahead of them.

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