Chapter Four

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The next day they began work on the repairs for the market cavern. They had all agreed to not talk about the events of the previous day regarding Izabela. That was a problem for future them to deal with. Right now they had income to get back.

They, i.e. Astrid began calling around all of the contractors they knew were up to the job to see who was available and what their fee was. Of course the first few they called were all booked up from now until the turn of the century, otherwise known as not wanting to do business with the heads of the local crime syndicate. But eventually they found two who were happy to work together and be paid a decent amount. Not too decent an amount though, something that wouldn't take them out of business.

Celeste also had to attempt to get in touch with the witch she had been supposed to be meeting before disaster struck. She didn't know how long it was going to take her to get in touch as the De La Morte clan were notoriously hard to find, let alone make sure they had mobile reception to even attempt to make contact - they liked to say they were a nomadic clan but in reality there was no where in the UK that at least one broadband provider could reach, it was more that they didn't want to be reached and were in a way too polite to say so - it had taken months of trying to set up the appointment set for yesterday.

Arranging a new appointment may even involve a trip out to the last known whereabouts of the clan to restart the process. Then there was of course the possibility that they wouldn't want to get into business with them at all because of the whole bomb going off right before the meeting thing. But that may not factor in, if Celeste was lucky enough. It was likely that she wasn't going to be lucky enough given the way things had been unravelling lately. And she had to find them soon because the likelihood of them staying somewhere long enough for hearsay to be enough to find them was slim. Essentially Celeste was screwed, and she needed to speak to this witch as soon as possible. The reappearance of her sire was causing the issue to become increasingly pressing.

Celeste had also spent the morning making up her mind about how she was to go about her decision to deal with Izabela. She assumed it would require a house call first and so she sent out one of their private investigators to find out where she was staying and what meetings she was going to. Apparently it wasn't many as she seemed to spend all day at home. Celeste was beginning to wonder if she was going to be walking into a trap.

As soon as Celeste was sure that this - Izabela's life - was a pattern she decided to take a risk and drop by during the time's she had been at home the previous two days. And so on the the third day Celeste went to Izabela to seal her fate and possibly ruin her life forever.

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