Chapter Five

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Izabela opened the door and was dressed exactly as Celeste expected her to be. She was wearing a floor length red dress that managed to not clash with her long copper hair that was parted modestly in the middle and flowed down past her collar bones. It was such a shame that so much beauty had been wasted on so much evil. Back in her youth Izabela had been the talk of the court. Of course that was before she had burned it to the ground. Well, that was until she had found her own way via blackmail and torture.

"And to what do I owe your presence on this fine Wednesday Celeste?" She stepped back gracefully and gestured for Celeste to come in. Celeste grudgingly walked in, reluctance written into every line of her body.

"I think you know why I'm here Izabela. I have come to talk to you about your deal." She tried to not let on how unhappy she was but had a feeling it was at least slightly obvious. Izabela lead the way towards the sitting room. She was staying in a nice building but Celeste had a feeling that she was really looking to move in with her. It was subtle things such as apparently modeling her sitting room exactly off of Celeste's own. She had no idea where Izabela had managed to find the exact same lounge furniture considering the fact that some of the stuff she and Astrid owned was so old even they didn't know where it came from and Astrid never forgot a good piece of furnitures origin.

Celeste took a seat on what looked exactly like one of her own wing-back chairs. One of the ones she had been sat in less than an hour ago as a matter of fact. Only slightly confused how she had crossed all of London only to end up right back where she started: at home. But she gave herself a minuscule shake and told herself that she wasn't going to let this attempt at mimicry throw her off. She was stronger than that. And this was definitely not her home.

Astrid and Jean and everything they had built needed more than her getting thrown off the plan by some pieces of furniture which may or may not have been stolen from her house during her journey to Covent Garden from Marylebone.

"I would prefer if you didn't call it a deal and instead called it what it really is. A love contract." Celeste had to hold herself back from gagging at the final two words.

Izabela sat on the love seat opposite, a reversal of their roles from the last time they were in the same room. Which Celeste could unhappily say was only on Sunday and not 3 centuries ago.

"Fine, if you insist that we call it what it is, then I am here to talk to you about the blackmail that you performed on Sunday during our last encounter and I would like you to know that I will be entertaining it." Celeste positioned her body as far from Izabela as possible knowing that her words were going to poke the beast and she kind of didn't want to risk being in the line of attack.

Izabela's face turned into a mask of pure rage before quickly switching back into it's default of relaxed innocence. If Celeste hadn't known to look for it then she would have missed the flicker rage that Izabela had let slip. She may have been the older, the technically more powerful vampire, but she did not have the same poker face that Celeste did. That had always been one of Izabela's faults. It was why no one had ever truly believed her acts. Why no one would ever fall fully for her lies. They always knew something was up. It was why Celeste had fallen in love with her in the first place. In a building full of courtesans lacking emotion she had found someone with passion in Izabela and had fallen for her almost instantaneously. It hadn't taken long to learn how to read her. Celeste had always wondered if that was deliberate on Izabela's front or if she truly had no way of fully hiding her deception. It was one of the reasons why she had chosen to run that night instead of staying and searching for Izabela in the burning wreckage of her life and loved ones. That and the fact that she had started the burning wreckage and had also permanently ruined Celeste's life. Sometimes she wished she was capable of suicide and that she had taken that route when she had been first changed and it was easier for her to die. Now it was all but impossible for her to die and her self hatred had never been stronger. She didn't know whether to be grateful or miserable half the time. But now was not the time to dwell on her self-loathing. She had Friday nights for that.

"I would prefer if we called it an offer if you must insist on being a brat. You always have been particularly difficult. But, perhaps that is why I fell for you so quickly." Izabela's face softened as she reminisced. Celeste's hardened.

After a deep breath to loosen her quickly tightening muscles, she replied, "Izabela. I would like to take you up on your offer. Astrid and Jean do not know that I am here and I would like it to remain that this visit never occurred." She stared into the sharks mouth and stood her ground.

"If that is how you wish to play it then let it so be. But, I expect you to inform them in some way or another of your decision. They should not have to find out from your room being empty or via an article in the newspaper." Izabela smiled, every bit the satisfied cat.

"Of course. Now I wish this meeting could have been longer but I am afraid I have things to sort out that will be beneficial to both of us." She tried to return a pleasing smile but could barely manage a grimace. She stood and Izabela stood with her. Celeste knew exactly where this was going and so she braced herself for what came next.

Izabela reached up and took Celeste's face gently in her hands. She pulled her down so they were eye level and whispered, "Don't be a stranger dear." She then kissed her. Celeste had been trying to forget what Izabela's kisses had felt like and had felt like she had almost managed it. Her stomach roiled.

Izabela used her superior strength to keep her pinned there for a few moments longer before finally freeing Celeste from her iron grasp. She gave her one last sickening smile before the doors swung open behind them and Celeste was finally allowed to leave. 

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