Chapter Twenty Six

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Izabela and Celeste arrived at the restaurant on time. Celeste had booked the table for 8 pm, hoping that the business would not be too busy and there wouldn't be too much of a scene.

Astrid and Alaric had left the kinks to Celeste to work out and she had been wracking her brain since Isabela had suggested this restaurant. Not only was it her favourite and so she didn't want to ruin their reputation or affect their income in anyway, she also knew that she would never be coming back there again and so was uncertain whether to commit the act before or after they had eaten. Celeste figured during might be the best time, or perhaps after they had ordered, so that Izabela was not as on edge as she likely was to be before hand.

Celeste hadn't planned on being this unprepared, but the evening had crept up on her so suddenly that day that she had not spent the time brainstorming she usually would for something like this. Also she didn't have her best planning pal, as he was not talking to her - entirely reasonably - and it would be highly suspicious and unacceptable in Celeste had spent the day with him, either on the phone or in person.

In the end it happened before dessert, after Celeste had had what she viewed to be the best last meal she could have asked for. And it truly was divine. Mamie's was the best French restaurant in London and Celeste was grateful to have been there with Jean before their split.

Izabel had lead Celeste to the toilets where she clearly wanted to partake in her favourite passtime, public sex. Only Izabela had no idea that this was the last time she would be making out with Celeste in a restaurant ladies room, let alone anyone.

With Izabela's lips pressed to her neck and her hands slowly making their way up her skirt, Celeste pulled out the blade she had literally been hiding up her sleeve. It was retractable which made it so convenient for situations such as these. Not that they came around often of course.

After making sure Izabela was still occupied, Celeste caressed her neck with one hand and swiftly plunged the dagger into her heart. She knew she would not miss and the weight of Izabela's limp body against her own confirmed her suspicions. Tears fell down her face as she let her body drop before falling to a crouch next to it. She looked only to make sure her aim was true and beheaded Izabela with force, ensuring that she would not, could not, get up from her prone position on the floor.

It wasn't the ending Celeste had imagined for her first love, but then she hadn't ever properly let herself imagine one, not beyond the occasional reach out to a witch who might be able to do it from a distance.

Standing up without another glance at the headless corpse that had once been her sire, Celeste sent off a one word text to let Astrid know it was done. She let the blade drop and then stepped over the body before going up the stairs and out of the restaurant. She had worn black for a reason and didn't get stopped on her way out.

There was a man, also in all black, waiting for her outside the front door and another waiting at a car idling at the edge of the pavement. She walked towards the car after letting the first man know that Izabela was in the women's bathroom. She did not wipe the tears from her face.  

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