Crashing at Chloe's.

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Max was staying at Chloe's for the night just to get away from Blackwell and to take her mind of Kate slightly.
'So how about we play a game?' Chloe asked giving her devious look towards Max.
'And what do you have in mind?' Max asked with obvious suspicion.
'Oh nothing bad, just truth or dare! For old times sake?'
Max remembered back when they were 13 and they used to play truth or dare on their regular sleepovers they had, talking about crushes, aspirations and bands, Max smiled remembering the memories they had shared.
'Really? It seems like forever since I've played that game!'
'Oh come on Max! It'll be fun!' Chloe exclaimed swinging her near empty beer bottle along.
'Yeah, why not?' Max said giving into the temptation of asking Chloe whatever she wanted.
'Awesome sauce! You go first. So, truth or dare?'
'I'll take it easy for now, so truth.'
'Okay, so, I gotta ask Max, how's the love life?' Chloe said suggestively wiggling her eyebrows.
Max laughed.
'What love life? The closest thing I get to a love life is Warren!' Max laughed.
'Warren, ay? Who's this young man trying to hook up with my Max?' Chloe joked.
'He's a friend, I've been told by people that he's into me, he's tried ask me on a date a few times now, but I'm not really into him.'
'Woah Max, you've got guys swooning after you, and you're a heart breaker!' Chloe teased.
'Shut up.' Max nudged Chloe laughing.
'Okay, my go, c'mon Max, give me something good. I pick dare!'
Max laughed, of course Chloe would choose a dare.
'I dare you... To down a whole glass of beer!'
'Are you serious? I could down a few, give me something a little harder man!'
'Okay, okay. How about you go to your neighbours house, and ask if they might've seen your missing thong?' Max challenged.
'Oh man, my neighbours already hate me with a passion, but I'll never give up a dare. This will be fun.' Chloe stood up putting her boots on.
They both quickly rushed outside towards the neighbours house. Max waited behind the fence keeping out of sight but watching as Chloe knocked on the neighbours door. She watched as a large woman looking to be in her early 50's with tied back hair and a snobbish expression answered the door.
'Oh, it's you again, what is it this time Chloe?' She answered in a somewhat irritated voice when seeing the punk girl stood before her.
'Yeah so I'm really sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering if you might've seen a pair of my underwear that have gone missing?' Chloe asked quite casually.
'Your, underwear?' The woman said with a hint of disgust looking her up and down.
'Oh yeah, they're like a leopard print thong with black lace. They're my favourite pair but I can't find them and thought they might've blown over the fence whilst they were out drying on the washing line.' Chloe asked in a breeze. 'They're my boyfriends favourite too, if you know what I mean?' Chloe added with a wink.
Max tried not to laugh at how casual Chloe was being.
'No Chloe, unfortunately I have not seen them, but I will be sure to return them if I do.' The woman hissed whilst trying to sound at least the slightest bit polite.
'Oh thank you Suzanne! Y'know, you should get a pair too, I'm sure they'd look amazing on you're figure!' Chloe tried not to laugh at the incredibly large woman before her.
'Ah, we'll thank you Chloe. I hope to see you soon.' She said quickly shutting the door before Chloe could finish saying goodbye. Chloe walked up to Max giving her a high five and began walking back into Chloe's house.
'What a bitch!' She said laughing.
'I gotta admit Chloe that was pretty smooth, and you even added your own parts to the story!' Max said taking her shoes off at the front door and waking back up to Chloe's room.
'Well, I just had to tell her how much my boyfriend was missing those panties!' Chloe joked whilst jumping onto her bed.
'Right, so it's my go again. I think I'll be more adventurous this time so I'll go with a dare.'
'Ooohh, Max is getting dangerous, I like it. I've got a good one. I dare you to phone Warren and flirt with him.'
'No, I can't do that, I don't flirt?' Max laughed.
'Okay, just ask him how he is, and tell him you miss him and just wanted to talk!'
'I shouldn't have mentioned Warren should i?' Max sighed.
'Nope. But it's too late now!' Chloe said picking up Max's phone and handing it to her.
'Fuck it.' Max said, instead reaching for Chloe's beer and taking a giant swig, leaving Chloe with a smirk on her face. She then took the phone and dialled Warrens number.
'Max? It's kinda late, is everything okay?' The boy answered somewhat worried. Max looked at Chloe in a way that said 'do I have to?' And Chloe then smiled, meaning 'yes'.
'Oh hey Warren, yeah I'm fine, I just really missed your voice' Max tried to say as seductively as possible.
'What, really?' Warren questioned.
'Ask him what he's wearing' Chloe whispered.
'Yeah of course Warren! So, w-what are you wearing?'
'Urgh, a Spider-Man onesie, what about you?' Warren said nonchalantly.
'Wow, attractive' Chloe joked. 'Tell him you're naked!'.
'Oh nothing, I'm naked.' Max said jokingly winking at Chloe seductively.
'You- you're naked?' Warren said suddenly more interested.
'Sugar tits! Come get back in bed babe!' Chloe shouted in the most manly tone she could.
'Who was that?'
'Oh no one, just the TV' Max said holding her hand over Chloe's mouth.
'Oh cool, well if you don't mind Max, I'm gunna go, I'm kinda tired.'
'Bye Warren, see you tomorrow!' Max said still in her seductive voice and quickly hanging up.
'Wow, you really think he's going to sleep? I think he's going to do something else, if you get what I mean?' Chloe wiggled her eyebrows.
'Gross, shut up!' Max laughed.
'Anyway, it's my go again! So go ahead challenger, let's see what you've got for me! Dare, of course.' Chloe challenged.
Max took a few moments to really think, she wanted to really challenge Chloe because Chloe was a badass, she'd pretty much do anything, she was crazy like that. Max wanted to see Chloe get stuck for once, and if Max could make Chloe do whatever she wanted to she was going to take advantage of the situation.
'I dare you... To kiss me' Max said raising an eyebrow.
'Wait, what?' Chloe actually looked surprised.
'You heard me! You have to kiss me, and not a peck or a silly 1 second thing, a real kiss' Max smirked.
'You want me to kiss you? Bu-' Chloe started to look a little bit nervous.
'Woah, is the amazingly badass Chloe actually getting nervous? This is the first time I've seen that!' Max teased.
'Shut up max! I'm not nervous, you know I'll do it, but I just don't want you to regret making this choice!' Chloe answered.
'Just do it and stop delaying then.' Max said still smirking. With that Chloe threw her arms around Max and pressed her lips against the other girls. At first Max was still but quickly melted into the kiss. As much as Chloe hated to admit, she was really enjoying this kiss, but she knew she shouldn't because Max was her best friend, but little did she know that Max was enjoying it just as much, maybe more. The kiss lasted for a long time, longer than both the girls had anticipated as they were both secretly really into it. Max pulled away from the kiss to breathe for air, after a few seconds Chloe broke the silence.
'Y'know Caulfield? You're actually a really good kisser!' Chloe said trying not blush.
'Thanks, you're not too bad yourself, mind you, I wouldn't really know, I don't have much experience.' Max giggled.
'Wait, holy shit! Was I your first kiss?' Chloe almost shouted.
'Well, yeah.' Max blushed making Chloe smirk at the pretty girl before her.
'Awh, now we're totally bound for life! You're pretty lucky, not all girls get to have their first kiss with me.' Chloe said pecking a kiss onto the blushing girls cheek, only making them burn more crimson. 'Anyway, I've gotta sleep, I'm gunna fucking pass out other wise!' Chloe said laying down and turning her lampshade off.
'Haha, okay, night Chloe' Max said laying down beside her. The girls laid in silence for a few moments before Chloe spoke out again.
'Max?' Chloe whispered.
'Mhhhmm?' Max murmured tiredly.
'Next time, make the kiss last longer' she paused. 'And Max? Next time at least try to make is less obvious that you totally like me!' Making Max blush so hard Chloe could even see it in the dark. She laughed as she hugged the again blushing girl as they both fell to sleep.

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