Beach Babes.

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The buzzing from the bedside table awoke Max from her light sleep. Max was awoken to see sun shine glimmering into her dorm room. It looked like it was going to be a hot day. Max reached to her side and fumbled around the desk for her phone.
'Hey, Maximo!' A familiar voice greeted as she answered the call.
'Oh, hey Chloe.' A smile crawled across the freckled girls face just hearing her friend on the other end of the phone.
'So Mad Max, you free today?' Chloe said more excited than she should be at 10:30am.
'Yeah I'm free, how come?'
'Well considering it's hot as fuck outside, and we're both losers with no other plans, how about we take a trip down to the beach?'
'Oh, I dunno Chloe, it's jus-' Max wasn't too fond of beaches. She found it was always filled with creepy old guys or too cold to go swimming, and she was scared of crabs. Max was cut off.
'Oh come on! I swear, it'll be fun! Hey, I'll even buy you ice cream!' Chloe convinced.
'Yeah, okay, I guess so.' Max gave in to Chloe's offer.
'Heck yeah! I knew you couldn't resist spending a day with me.' Chloe joked.
'Sure Chloe' max laughed. 'When you picking me up?'
'Hows 12? Gives you time to get ready?'
'Yeah, that's cool. A date it is!'
'Pfft, you wish girl! See you then.' Chloe said hanging up.
Max had missed their silly chats and jokes together, Chloe always managed to cheer Max up with her outgoing attitude and witty humour. Max loved hanging out with Chloe again, and so did Chloe.
Max went to shower and came back to her dorm to get changed into her usual outfit; A shirt and jeans. She played her music as she would normally do in the mornings whilst packing for her day at the beach with Chloe. By the time she'd finished preparing it was time to meet Chloe in the parking lot. She walked out and saw Chloe waiting by her truck smoking a cigarette and playing with her keys.
'Yo Max!' She turned to see Warren stood not to far from Chloe.
'Hey Warren' Max greeted.
'Its a pretty nice day today, got any plans?' He said walking with Max up to Chloe.
'Actually, Max is spending the day at the beach with me.' Chloe butted in.
'Oh i see, beach babes, nice!' He commented.
'You could say that' Chloe remarked in her usual sarcastic tone.
'So, you're the renowned Chloe Price then?' Warren greeted.
'Renowned?' She laughed.
'Yeah! Max talks about you all the time!'
'Oh really? Like what?' Chloe pestered, smirking at the blushing girl beside her.
'Anyway it was great seeing you Warren, but we've gotta go' Max interrupted trying to save her dignity.
'You can tell me more about it some other time!' Chloe laughed and winked as max pulled her away and towards Chloe's truck and both got into it.
'You talk about me then?'
'No, well, uh, yeah I guess, sometimes'
'I don't blame you! I'm awesome.' She laughed. 'So you ready for our beach day?'
'Hell yeah! I'm actually quite excited.'
'Beach babes, never been referred to as that before!' The girls both laughed.
After around a 30 minute journey they reached a mass parking lot just by the beach. Chloe and Max grabbed their bags and walked up to the beach towards the changing rooms.
'Chloe there's only one changing room left, you go first.'
'Shut up you dork we'll just get changed together, we used to all the time!' Chloe laughed pulling Max into a room with her.
'Bu- Chloe- uh we were a lot younger then, things have... Changed.' Max didn't know why she felt so reluctant to do it, something about knowing that Chloe and her would be naked together made Max feel somewhat nervous.
'Fine, I'll face away and I promise not to sneak a peek'
'You better not' Max laughed.
As the girls both began to get changed Max had a sudden want to turn around and look at Chloe, not in a perverted way, she just wanted to look; she was sure that Chloe had an amazing body. Max quickly brushed away these thoughts, finished changing, walked out the room and waited for Chloe, who came out just moments after.
'Holy crap Caulfield! You pull off that swimsuit like a model! Maybe better.' She spoke honestly with her usual smirk as Max stood in her red one piece swimsuit with one bent leg and one arm holding onto the other in front of her, like her normal dorky stature, though Chloe had to admit, Max was a very hot looking dork.
'I-uh could say the same for you.' Max blushed and tried not to stare at Chloe, but something about Max seemed off, she seemed down.
'Yo Maximillion, you okay?' Chloe suddenly became very serious and concerned.
'Its nothing Chloe, really' Max said trying to fake a smile that would have been believable to anyone who didn't know Max as well as Chloe did.
'Don't even fucking try to lie to me Max, I know you too well.' She laughed but quickly moved back into her concerned state. 'Im serious Max, what's bothering you?' Chloe said moving her hand gently onto Max chin and pushing it up so that Chloe and Max were looking into each others eyes. Max stared at Chloe for a moment and found herself lost in her deep blue eyes which matched the messy hair on her head. Max stared at Chloe's face and thought about how pretty Chloe was, she was incredibly beautiful when you just took and moment to look properly, and something about the way Chloe was looking at Max with her innocent and concerned face made her feel special, and gave her a warm feeling. 'No, Max, you do not have feelings for Chloe, she's your friend, stop being weird.' Max thought to herself.
'Max!' Chloe shouted, making Max snap out of her trance.
'Its just- I just feel kinda gross, like in my swimsuit, I'm not exactly the prettiest of girls?' Max said embarrassed at how stupid she seemed.
'Are you fucking kidding me?! Max, you look hella hot, in fact, I'm finding it hard not to stare! Seriously you look awesome!' Chloe exclaimed and pulled the smaller girl into a hug, little did she know that Max was as red as a tomato from blushing, Chloe always managed to make her feel better. As the hug came to an end, Chloe suddenly felt shocked at Max's next move.
'You've got a pretty good ass yourself, Chloe.' Max laughed as she grabbed Chloe's butt.
'Whatever.' Chloe began lauging, this time being the one blushing. 'C'mon Max, we've got a serious amount of checking out hot people and laying in the sun to do!' Chloe said, playing it cool.
'Lets go then, hotshot.' Max said linking her arm with her blue haired friends as they walked towards the sea ready for a day spent together.

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