Netflix & Chill

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HEY GUYS! This chapter is SO overdue, and I'm hoping it'll kinda make up for the absence. I warn, this is very NSFW, so if you don't like that I recommend you skip this chapter :) I couldn't help but use this title.
This is my first time writing smut, so comments would be really appreciated!


Max and Chloe had spent their morning with each other, enjoying the company before Max had to head to Blackwell to attend her classes. Chloe and Max arranged to head back to Chloe's house after her lessons and have a sleepover like they used to, just watching movies and eating junk food until they felt unwell. Max's classes were about to end and Chloe was patiently waiting, leaning against her old, beat up, truck, smoking a cigarette.
'Hey Maximillion!' The bluenette greeted with a smile as Max walked along the parking lot of Blackwell towards Chloe, throwing a sweet smile back to the taller girl. 'How were classes?' She happily asked.
'Boring, I was trying my hardest to stay awake.' Max groaned, earning a chuckle from Chloe.
'Well, now you're outta there, and we can go chill at my place! No parents, shit loads of films and junk food, you're best friend,' she said pointing to herself, 'and I even got some beer!' She smiled her shit eating grin.
'Sounds like fun Che, but I'm good without the booze.' Max laughed, rolling her eyes sarcastically.
'Fair enough Max, just means more for me.' Chloe replied in her usual cool demeanour.
The two girls exchanged a few laughs before getting into Chloe's truck and driving to Chloe's home. The girls talked on their journey to Chloe's about Blackwell, the latest gossip and anything else that came to their heads. When the girls pulled into the Prices drive Max and Chloe both took bags of food from the foot space of the truck into the living room by the TV, Chloe going back to the truck to pick up a crate of beer she had somehow managed to get hold of. The two set up their night by bringing blankets and anything else they may need down the stairs and into the sofa.
'Hey Che, what movies did you get?' Max asked, fixing the cover on herself as she waited for Chloe to put whatever they were watching on.
'Dude, any movie you want, I have websites.' Chloe smirked.
'Chloe, the infamous Price, pirating movies and watching them illegally? I would have never of thought.' Max acted out sarcastically with a smirk of her own playing on her face.
'Haha, very funny. Well, I am a pirate, after all.' Chloe laughed.
'And that makes me your first mate?' Max questioned.
'You know it, so quit be so fucking sarcastic.' Chloe joked.
'Aye aye, Captain!' Max said, motioning a salute, gaining a laughter between both girls.
'God, we are such nerds, I kinda hate us sometimes.' Chloe said with a true smile, before sitting down next to Max as the opening screen of a movie began to play.
'What are we watching?' Max asked.
'Dark Shadows, it's pretty new, but I hear it's good.' Chloe answered.
The two girls sat together watching their films, commentating and joking between scenes, it had now come to around 8pm and the girls had finished their latest film, Scott Pilgrim VS. The World.
'I liked that Ramona chick, she was cool.' Chloe said between slight slurs, now having had several glasses of beer.
'She was pretty punk rock, she reminded me of a certain blue haired girl I know, who also happens to be drunk right now.' Max said smirking and raising an eyebrow.
'Nah Max, I'm good, I've only had a few beers.' She said wiggling the nearly empty of bottle of beer in her hand.
'You're almost as terrible of a liar whilst drunk as you are whilst sober, Che.'
'Fuck you! I'm just a little bit tipsy, not drunk.' The blue haired girl said lightly punching the freckled girl on the shoulder as they both giggled. 'Che,' the blue haired girl repeated as she smiled at her best friend sat by her, 'I love it when you call me that.' Chloe said looking down at the floor to hide the slight blushing.
'How come?' Max asked, playing on the fact she had seen the obvious blush on her best friends face.
'I-I don't know, it reminds me of before, when everything was easy and we were just kids, doing stupid shit.' She let out a breathe before smiling. 'It- it reminds me of us.' Chloe spoke whilst staring into Max's sky blue eyes, smiling with genuine
happiness, knowing that she had Max. Max just looked back into Chloe's piercing, ocean coloured eyes. Looking at Chloe she saw a look that she hadn't seen since before William passed, a look of security, and of hopefulness. The two stayed almost stuck in this moment for a few seconds before Chloe caught a glimpse of Max quickly shifting her gaze onto Chloe's lips and then biting her own, before looking back up to Chloe's eyes. At this moment Chloe found herself looking at Max's lips, and without even thinking leaned into Max, pressing her lips softly against Max's, feeling the warmth and gentleness of them. Although it was a simple kiss, it carried a lot of meaning for both of them, and the kiss lingered for a few moments before Chloe pulled back. Chloe looked at Max's eyes flutter open and nervously waited for Max's reaction to her sudden move. Max simply just looked at Chloe, in slight shock, but she didn't seem annoyed.
'I'm sorry Max, that was weird- not kissing you- that was hella nice- I mean me, I'm weird and I don-'. Before Chloe could continue her nervous babbling, she felt the same warmth of Max's lips on hers again, Max's lips were incredibly soft and full of passion and care as she placed several lingering kissing onto Chloe's, before Chloe realised what was happening and kissed the girl back. At the realisation, Chloe pushed her lips harder against Max's and kissed Max with longer, more powerful kisses. Chloe reached her arm up behind Max and brushed her hand into the brunette locks, pushing their faces closer to each other, filling any gaps that had previously been between the twos lips. The kisses became more aggressive, but in the passionate way, as the pair continued to kiss, the two of them unaware of anything happening around them as they were focused on each other. Chloe felt Max's hand slide onto her hip, the soft touch making Chloe shiver slightly as they sat together on the sofa. As the kisses grew stronger, along with their hunger for the other, Chloe lightly bit Max's lip, making a moan escape from the younger girls throat, making music to Chloe's ears as she felt herself heating up at Max moaning. Chloe smirked against the freckled girls lips as she realised that she was the reason for the noise Max had just made. Chloe moved down to Max's neck leaving small kisses and very lightly sucking on the pale skin. As heavy breaths and quiet moans left the brunettes lips, Chloe lightly pushed Max down on the sofa and climbed on top of her, making her way back to Max's lips. This time Chloe's kiss was strong as she bit Max's lips, asking for entrance. Chloe slipped her tongue into Max's mouth, quickly finding the other girls as the too shared intimate, hot kisses and the two fought for dominance. Chloe then felt Max's hand reach under her loose tank top, the feeling of Max's finger tips moving up her stomach making Chloe moan into Max's mouth, then feeling Max's smirk of pride against her lips.
'Looks like little miss Max isn't as shy as seems.' Chloe stopped to say, her usual shit eating grin on display.
'Shut up, Che.' Max laughed with a tint of red on her cheeks before pressing her lips back against the bluenettes. Max's continued to move her hand up Chloe's shirt until she reached Chloe's bra. She placed her hand on one of Chloe's concealed breasts and began to massage the soft mound, making Chloe release heavy breaths of satisfaction. Max then continued to pull the loose shirt off of Chloe, ending a kiss to bring the shirt over her head to reveal a simple black bra. She watched the older girl smirk with pleasure and surprise at seeing this new, outgoing side of herself, Max enjoyed seeing Chloe look at her the way she was now, with need. Chloe then reached down to the younger girl below her and ran both hands up Max's shirt, feeling Max shiver at the touch, before quickly pulling it off of her, Max was wearing a sweet light pink bra. Chloe then moved down towards Max's stomach and placed kisses on her abdomen and began to make a trail of kisses up to Max's chest, peppering kisses all the way up. When Chloe reached Max's breasts, she placed one kiss on top of them before looking at Max in a way of asking if it was okay, when Max replied with a smile and leaned up a little bit, Chloe reached around to the back of Max's side, and unhooked the clasp of her bra, which she quickly took off with the help of Max. Chloe looked down at her best friend, she looked so gorgeous, like she was glowing. The smile on her face, the paleness of her bare skin with small freckles scattered in places and her beautiful blue eyes peering through her now messy brown hair. Max was so incredible.
'Max, you're so beautiful. Really. You know that right?' Chloe said in a breath of honesty.
'Not as beautiful as you.' Max smiled innocently before giving a light peck on the lips. Chloe leaned back down and began to kiss all over Max's chest and around her nipples, before finally pressing her lips against the buds of Max's chest and sucking the slightest bit. The new and pleasing feeling made Max intake a sharp breath and moan each time the tip of Chloe's tongue would rub against her nipples. Chloe continued this for a few moments longer before sending a trail of kisses down her stomach before reaching the waistband of Max's trousers and began leaving soft, warm kisses there too. Chloe then reached to the button of Max's trousers and began to undo them, looking up to see a beautiful smile on the brunettes face, making herself smile. Chloe smoothly pulled her trousers off with ease, leaving Max laid below her in just a pair of white underwear. Chloe then moved further down and began to kiss the length of the girls thighs, trailing then up and down, gaining small gasps and moans from Max, she continued kissing until she leant forward to kiss Max's centre over the thin material of her pants, which surprised the younger girl, earning a loud breath of pleasure. The reaction only pleased Chloe and turned her on even more than she already was, as she continued this action to the pleasure of Max, she reached her hands up to the waistband of Max's underwear before curling her finger tips underneath the elastic, ready to take those off too.
'Wait,' Max breathed calmly.
'I'm sorry, am I moving to fast?' Chloe said pulling away slightly, concerned at Max's sudden holt.
'No,' Max chuckled, settling the nerves Chloe had just built up, 'I'm fine, I-I'm better than fine,' she smiled, 'I just, I-' she stopped to think, 'I want to try first.' She smiled, looking away slightly as the blush covered her pale cheeks.
'You don't have to Max, I want to make you feel good, I'm not worried about myse-' Chloe was cut off.
'I want to.' She said sweetly, but in a strong, confident way.
'Well, if that's what you want, I have no complaints.' Chloe laughed. Max then pushed Chloe up somewhat, before telling her to lay down at the opposite side of the sofa and climbing on top of the much taller girl and straddling her. Max then grabbed the blue haired girls hands before quickly pinning them behind her head, applying a small amount of force.
'Kinky Max, I hella like this.' Chloe smirked as Max rolled her eyes before leaning down to Chloe's neck and planting wet kisses all up her neck, receiving hitched breaths from the girl below her, then Max lightly bit the soft skin, creating Chloe to let out a husky moan of ecstasy and then reach her hands up to hold Max's breasts. The feeling of Chloe's hands on her bare skin making Max's breath hitch, the tender feeling of the warm air from Max's mouth on Chloe's neck making the blue haired girl shiver slightly. Max then moved down slightly to the buckle of the belt on Chloe's jeans, and quickly undid it, throwing it onto the floor beside the sofa.
'Chloe, what times does Joyce get home?' She stopped to ask.
'Don't worry Mad Max, she has a late shift, she won't be back till 12, at the earliest.' Chloe simply answered, reassuring Max of her worries. 'We got all the time in the world.' Chloe said winking, somewhat joking about Max's time power.
'You're such a nerd' Max chuckled before continuing in her original action and undoing the button on Chloe's trousers, and then quickly unzipping them. Chloe shimmied slightly as she helped Max pull the trousers off her soft, pale legs. Max stared at Chloe below her, she looked so glorious, so pure. Chloe was incredibly beautiful, most people just didn't stop to look properly, too preoccupied with her bad girl look. Chloe laid below her, with messy hair from where here beanie had fallen off and Chloe had messed up her hair during her and Max's make out session, Chloe was irresistible in Max's eyes. As she watched how beautiful the girl looked, she felt the urge to kiss her, leaning down and planting a lingering, passionate kiss on Chloe's lips and biting her lip slightly, earning a light moan.
'How can someone as innocent as you be this hot in bed?' Chloe joked.
'We all have our secrets, Che.' Max replied.
'I have wanted this for so long Max,' Chloe spoke honestly, 'I don't mean sex, all though that's great too.' she laughed. 'I mean you- us.' She smiled before pressing her lips gently to Max's lips.
'I love you Chloe, I really do. I always have.' Max admitted before her and Chloe both leaned in and kissed for several moments, moans echoing from each of their throats and hands wandering all over each other. Max then reached behind Chloe and unclipped the small clasp on the back of Chloe's bra, quickly pulling it off and throwing it along with the rest of their clothes. Max then leaned down holding one of Chloe's breasts whilst kissing the others nipple, sucking slightly, with the reaction of moans from Chloe. She continues this action before taking her hand that was rested on Chloe's breast down to Chloe's underwear, rubbing lightly on the sensitive spot through the material, making Chloe release a strong moan, pleasing Max. Max continued to rub slowly, with the increasing moans coming from Chloe. Max could feel the wetness through Chloe's underwear, making Max smile knowing that she was the one who had turned Chloe on so much. Max was well aware of the increasing wetness in her pants, only making her more eager for Chloe. When Chloe's moans became more powerful and she could feel Chloe grinding against her hand she stopped to tease Chloe slightly by kissing all up the bluenettes thighs, touching the crease between her legs and centre making Chloe grind into her slightly asking for more. Max enjoyed teasing Chloe, waiting for Chloe to give in and just ask, which didn't take too long.
'Max,' she breathed, 'please.' Chloe moaned slightly almost begging Max to give her the pleasure she needed. This was enough for Max to give in, hearing the soft moan of her name come from Chloe was sending her over the edge, making her desire Chloe even more. Max then push her hands up, grabbing the sides of Chloe's underwear which were black with red and orange flames on. She gently pulled them down, revealing Chloe's sensitive area, which was surprisingly clean shaven and glistening from the wetness that Max had created. Max thought for a moment before gently rubbing her clitoris, clearly pleasuring Chloe as her breathing increased and the moaning re-started. Max continued doing this for several moments before slowly sliding a finger into Chloe as she heard the older girl gasp in pleasure and raise her hips slightly Max pumped her finger in and out of Chloe, not have ever done this before, she just thought about what felt good to her and used that on the other girl. She increased the pressure and speed lightly to pleasure Chloe even more as her moans became louder and louder before she came to a sudden holt.
'Max, why'd you stop?' Chloe leaned up to ask the younger girl.
'Shut up and wait just a minute.' Max said, making Chloe lean back and close her eyes again. Max waited a second before inching her mouth closer to Chloe's privates, and then gently placed her tongue onto her clitoris, moving it in a slow rhythm as Chloe grinding her hips slowly against Max's mouth to increase her pleasure. Max continued this motion and began speeding up slightly when Chloe became closer and closer. Chloe was on the edge when she was releasing loud moans and grabbed Max's head, intertwining her fingers into Max's hair and pushing her closer to her centre, adding extra force. She held her head there as Max continued to suck and lick, dedicated to pleasing the girl she loved. It only took a few more movements before Chloe moaned out Max's name, and within seconds was reaching her climax as Max continued going to ensure that she reached full pleasure. Within a few seconds Chloe had signalled for Max to stop and Max simply laid with Chloe in silence as she traced her finger up and down the bluenettes sides, just enjoying one another's company.
'Max, that- that was hella amazing.' she said smirking and looking at how beautiful Max was.
'Thanks, I kinda just went with it, I've never really been in that situation before.' Max blushed as she admitted.
'I can't say I'm surprised, no one else has seemed worthy of you. Apart from me of course. Seriously though, for a first time, that was fucking amazing!' Chloe shined, making Max blush even more before she snuggled into Chloe. Before Max could properly settle, Chloe rolled over onto Max and pinned her down in a quick movement and leaned down beside Max's ear.
'We're not done yet Max, I still have to make my queen feel as amazing as I did.' Chloe said in an insanely seductive whisper, making Max blush and feel herself getting hot. Chloe then leaned into the younger girls neck and softly kissed the girls neck, sucking lightly every now and then before stopping to leave a dark love bite on her collarbone, somewhat marking Max as her territory. As Chloe continued to kiss her neck, she moved her hand down and slowly traced patterns with her finger tip on her lower stomach, before she could move on, Max's hand grabbed her own, and guided her lovers hands into her pants, pressing the bluenettes fingers down onto her sensitive spots and sighing with pleasure before Chloe began to circle her fingers on her clitoris. Chloe continued this for a while, speeding up and slowing down whenever she pleased or wanted to get a reaction out of Max, Chloe then entered a single finger into the brunette making Max release a moan filled with pleasure. Chloe pumped in and out slowly to start with, before slowly getting faster until she felt Max getting close. She then stopped and began kissing all up Max's thighs before slowly taking Max's pants off, which were practically soaked at this point. Chloe then continued kissing Max's thighs, working her way up until her mouth found Max's centre and began licking and sucking lightly as she felt Max move her hips lightly in rhythm to Chloe's tongue. Chloe kept doing this, trying to find out what things Max enjoyed the most, before Max was on edge of climax, she slipped her finger back into Max and continued to slowly pump in and out as her tongue continued to play on Max's sensitive spot. When she felt that Max was about to come, she pumped faster, trying to make sure that Max would reach until climax. Within seconds Max was practically screaming out Chloe's name in ecstasy, lying back and enjoying the feeling that rushed over her body. When Max had finished, Chloe laid with Max until she had overcome the pleasant feeling in her body.
'That was hella amazing, Che. Seriously.' She smiled as she placed a hand on Chloe's cheek before giving her a light peck on the lips.
'Well, I've never had any complaints.' Chloe smirked as Max lightly punched her shoulder and laughed. 'No but seriously Mad Max, that was indeed perfect.' She smiled honestly. 'You're perfect.' She added as she looked at her beautiful best friend next to her as blush filled her pale cheeks.
'Thank you, Chloe, but you're better than perfect.' She said lingering in for a lingering kiss.
'I really love you, Max.' Chloe whispered against Max's lips.
'I love you too, Che.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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