Drunken Antics.

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I wrote this yesterday on the train to comic-con, enjoy!


'Thanks for coming with me to the Go Ape drive-in, it would've major sucked to be there by myself.' Warren smiled at Max.
'No problem, I enjoyed seeing the marathon, nothing quite beats the planet of the apes. Though, I'm starving now.' She laughed, walking down the street alongside Warren.
'We could just head in there and grab some pizza?' Warren said pointing to a small takeaway shop across the road.
'Sounds like a plan.' She laughed whilst crossing the road. After being in the small take-away for a few moments and sitting down on a table at the end of the building, she saw a familiar face stumble in.
'Heeeeey, Maximus! Nice to see you here!' She almost yelled. Of course Chloe would show up.
'Yo you're with Waldo? How's it going man?' She laughed coming over to the table. Chloe was drunk, Max could tell by the slur of her words, and her unusually happy tone.
'I'm good thanks, it's Warren, by the way.' He mentioned.
'Oh yeah, yeah Warren.' Chloe corrected whilst not bothering to take a seat at the table, but rather to sit on Max's lap, making the freckled girl chuckle slightly.
'So, what are you doing in town?' Max laughed at how cute Chloe was when drunk.
'Well, I was bored at home, alone, so I thought I'd have some pizza.'
'And a whole bottle of vodka? You're drunk Chloe.' Max added with a smirk.
'Nah Max, I didn't really have that much, I'm just kinda drunk.' She giggled. Max scolded herself when she couldn't help but think how adorable her best friend was when she was oblivious and happy. 'Anyway Maxi-pad, what brings you and Wilfred here?' Max chuckled at Chloe getting his name wrong again. 'Wait, wait. Wait a fucking second. Is this date?!' Chloe blurted out. Oh no. Max knew this was gunna be bad. 'Oh my god. It is. I knew Wario liked you, but I didn't realise you liked him back.' She laughed.
'Wario, really?' Warren whispered to himself.
'No no, this isn't a date Chloe? We just went to see a movie.'
'Oh man, sorry dude, but I think you just got friend-zoned.' Max didn't think Chloe could be anymore honest then she normally was until now. 'But bro, bro' she pointed at him 'I don't blame you for trying. I mean, Caulfield is a piece of pretty sweet ass, am I right?' Max blushed, did Chloe mean this or was she just saying this out of being drunk, something made Max hope it was the first option. 'Like, Max is really sweet and stuff, but imagine what she'd be like in bed, I bet she's an animal.' Chloe started. Oh god.
'Thats enough Chloe, you're really drunk.' Max blushed and tried to get her friend to quieten down.
'Is she always like this?' Warren questioned, also blushing.
'I've had dreams about it, I've actually had several... And let me tell you, she definitely didn't come across as shy in those...' Chloe smirked and laughed.
'Chloe, please stop.' Max tried to cover her best friends mouth but failed.
'I mean, we can always test that theory and make it a reality if you want?' Chloe offered casually. 'Did, did Chloe just offer to have sex with me?' Max questioned, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. She saw Warrens eyes go wide at the idea of Chloe's comment.
'Chloe I think we need to take you home!' Max stood up ignoring Chloe's advance.
'Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.' Warren replied.
'Yeah sure whatever, but Max c'mere I need to tell you this really important thing.' Chloe said leaning over the Max's side, before going to whisper in her ear but then kissing her on the cheek.
'What was that for?' Max said in shock. Warrens eyes went wide.
'Just I dunno, you're really cute and you look after me and I sorta have a dorky crush you.' She laughed and slurred.
'No you don't, you're just drunk.' Max tried to ignore the fact that her best friend, and crush had admitted that she liked her, the thought of knowing that she had just said that out of being drunk, rather than the truth giving her an ache in her heart.
'No Max, see I knew you'd always take it as a joke, I've liked you since forever, you're the most beautiful person I know.' She smiled, actually looking sincere, but struggling to say the sentence smoothly.
'Max, do you think she's serious?' Warren questions, alarmed at the threat of competition that was before him.
'I- I don't know.' Max tried to ignore her heart beating hard in her chest. 'Let's just take her back to mine, she'll get in major shit if her mom sees her like this.' Warren nodded in agreement.
The two managed to lug the tall blue haired punk out of the take away and to Warrens car. Max and Chloe sat together in the back.
'I swear, if she throws up in my car I will be so mad.'
'No offence, but if you even tried to have a go at her she would beat your ass, she's a badass.' Max laughed.
'Awh thanks Max, you think I'm badass.' The punk hugged the smaller freckled girl.
'You're very loving when drunk.' Max smiled.
'She's made more moves then me.' Warren whispered hoping max wouldn't hear, but he wasn't quiet enough.
'Waluigi, if you love her just tell her. No offence but I don't think you're her type though. I'm pretty sure she already knows you're totally in love with her.' Chloe yelled from the back.
'I- I, I don't...' Warren stuttered and Max watched in amusement.
'So what do you think is my type?' Max questioned.
'I'm not sure, but I hope it's badass, tall, blue haired punk chicks.' Chloe smiled.
'Maybe you're right.' Max teased.
'You totally love me.' The punk giggled as Max let out a heavy sigh from the front. A few moments later they arrived at the Blackwell car park and the three walked together until they were in front of the girls dorms.
'Thanks for the marathon and helping me out with her.'
'No problem, we'll have to do it again sometime, but next time without Chloe?' He laughed.
'You're hitting on my girl again.' Chloe said pointing at Warren.
'Since when was I your girl?' Max blushed.
'Since always, you're my life long crush Maximus!' She smiled adorably, and before Max could reply Chloe grabbed Max by the waist and kissed her. Max instantly kissed back, even with the shock and her heart beating intensely. Chloe kissed Max passionately, and even though Max knew this was only happening because she was drunk, Max was going to make the most of the opportunity. She could taste the cigarettes and vodka on Chloe's breath, but she didn't mind. The kissed lasted for a few seconds before Max broke away, remembering that Warren was stood there. Max caught her breath and turned to see the awe-struck boy staring at both the girls.
'Did that really just happen?' He seemed to be asking himself rather than Max. Max just stood and smiled, blush clear on her cheeks.
'Like I said, my girl.' Chloe grinned from ear to ear, looking proud of herself and throwing her arm around Max's shoulder.
'I think I'm gunna head to my dorm now. I'll see you tomorrow?' The boy said breaking the silence.
'Yeah, I'll catch you later.' Max replied.
'See you later, Darren!' Chloe smiled.
'Not even close' Max commented. Warren walked away from the two girls and looked back to see them smiling. 'Why do I even try' he said under his breath, kicking the stones on the ground.

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