No emoji.

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This was actually a prompt that a friend gave me a while back, but never got around to writing. So this ones for Wolfie. Enjoy!
(P.s sorry for mistakes I didn't get around to checking this one. It's late and I have school.)

Max was in her room, texting Chloe about their plans for the day.
Chloe: yo max! U ready to chill?
Max: yeah, is it cool if I bring Kate? She's recovering and I thought it would be nice for you two to meet.
Chloe: YH sure sounds cool. C u at 2 Whales in 30.
Max: see you there. :3
Chloe: NO EMOJI!!!!
Max smiled at Chloe's test and got dress. She then headed to Kate's dorm. Max knocked and waited for Kate to answer.
'Come in.' She heard Kate say happily before opening the door and hearing in. Kate was on her computer, she was already dressed.
'Hey Kate, how are you doing?' Max asked.
'Im good, thanks Max.' she smiled.
'Hey, do you wanna come to the 2 whales diner with me and Chloe, she said it would be fine. They make the best Belgian waffle.' Max asked, seeing Kate smile at the offer.
'Of course Max, sounds fun. It's about time I meet Chloe too.'
'Awesome, are you ready to go now?'
'Yeah, let me just out my shoes on.' Kate smiled and got up from her chair.
After leaving Kate's dorm Max and Kate got the 5 minute bus journey to the diner. When they walked in the they saw Chloe already sat in the end booth, by the jukebox. She hadn't seen the brunette and blonde enter. They both walked up to the booth.
'Hey Chloe!' Max said, getting Chloe's attention.
'Maxi-pad! Took you long enough.' She said laughing and hugging the smaller girl in front of her.
'You must be Kate, right?' Chloe said smiling at Kate.
'And you're the Chloe I've heard all about?' She nodded.
'I am pretty amazing' she laughed. 'Max didn't mention how adorable you are!' Chloe mentioned, making Kate blush and giggle.
Something about that comment threw Max off. Did Chloe just... flirt with Kate? Max suddenly felt a twitch of jealous which she quickly brushed away. Max had figured out recently that she had completely fallen for the blue-haired, punk friend of hers. Max had always known that her feeling seemed to delve a little further than just 'best friends', even before they had split all those years back. Though; she didn't understand it back then and didn't take too much notice, but being back with her best friend made those feelings come back, in full force. Max felt bad at times for being in love with her best friend, as she knew it could ruin their friendship, but Max couldn't help the feeling. There were times where Max could've sworn that Chloe even liked her back with all the flirting, making comments here and there which came off a little more romantic than usual. Maybe Max was just over thinking these moments, and it was just the way Chloe acted which made her come across as interested in Max.
'Yo! Max!' Chloe shouted making Max come out of her loss in thought.
'Oh, uh sorry. Got lost in time I guess.' This comment made a chuckle come from Chloe because of the irony, Max laughed at the joke a bit too, whilst Kate just giggled at Max staring out to space. 'So what's the plan, Che?'
'Che?' Kate questioned.
'Just an old nickname.' Max replied smiling at Chloe.
'Yeah I know, it sucks, I've always been the one who was better with nicknames.' Max nodded in agreement with Chloe.
'No, it's cute.' Kate smiled in her adorable, innocent way.
'Anyway the plan, Maximus, is that we all grab some food because I'm HELLA hungry, and then we head to the junkyard to just chill?'
'Yeah that's cool, or we can head to my dorm and watch a movie? considering it's raining outside.' max answered.
'Well observed, Mad Max. Your place sounds good too.' She laughed.
'That okay with you Kate?' Max said.
'Yeah, as long as we get some good, I'm starving.' She giggled.
'Me too.'
The 3 stayed at the diner for another 25 minutes, joking and laughing about silly jokes and eating their food, before heading back to Blackwell in Chloe's truck. They quickly reached Max's dorm room. They all sat together on her bed watching '21 Jump Street' together; it was Chloe's choice. They sat together in silence just watching, despite the bursts of laughter now and then. When suddenly, Kate spoke.
'So... Are you two... Y'know?' She asked.
'What?' Max questioned.
'Together?' Chloe laughed.
'Yeah? You kinda seem like you are.' She said pointing to the two girls, with Max's head resting on Chloe shoulder and Chloe's arm around Max's waist. They both plus at realising that they did in fact, look like a couple.
'W-we're just good friends' Chloe replied as nonchalantly as possible, but still stuttering.
'You would be pretty cute together.'
'We would?' Max said trying not to sound too pleased at the comment.
'Yeah! You always look at each-other with big puppy dog eyes, and laugh at each others jokes and are so happy together. I don't know about you Chloe, but I've never seen Max like that with anyone else. You two are so into eachother.' This statement made Max blush a deep crimson. Did Kate just completely out her to Chloe?
'Well... Maybe because I kinda like this dork' Chloe confessed.
'Wait... You do?!' Max turned and looked into her ocean blue eyes.
'You didn't get the hint? I've been flirting with you for... Who knows how fucking long?!' She laughed. Of course, Max couldn't see it.
'So...' Max trailed off 'I kinda like you too, Che.' Max blushed.
'You're such an adorable nerd.'
'Am I adorable enough for you to be my girlfriend?' Max bravely asked.
'I guess so, loser.' She laughed and kissed Max on the cheek.
'I am a matchmaker from heaven.' Kate giggled. 'You can thank me later!' They all laughed, Max then snuggled into Chloe and they continued watching their movie. Max and Chloe agreed, this was one of the best days ever. Inviting Kate had been an awesome idea.

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