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What was kindness?

Was it a virtue that one bestowed when weak and fragile or was it mercy bestowed by the most powerful?

It took an hour for claws of a beast and dagger possessed by a human to clash but the result was something that no one had ever imagined, the beast's baby laid with blood on its feather that were ripped at places in the battle all hopeless with its eyes closed and awaiting death while the human child having his back slashed by the lethal talons that drew scarlet blood panted while his dagger was pressed against the falcon's neck.

Disciple Varom gritted his teeth in frustration, after such a bloody yet glorious victory why was this prince not inserting the dagger in the beast's heart. Has he suddenly gone foolish?

"You...." The dumpling with sparkling onyx eyes that were now lighter, appearing more golden looked at the beast and whispered.

"You dare accept defeat infront of this prince." It was known since the ancient times that falcons were loyal yet dark creatures that never accepted defeat, they had an intelligence on par with human and could sense emotions and feelings thus when Azarios said those words the beast opened its eyes watching the human child with interest, since it was of ten seasons itself never a human with such courage ever disrupted his sleep.

Prince Azarios kept the dagger aside and slumped against the feathers of the falcon, lying against it with his back touching the warmth of the scales. It was this moment that he gave the falcon to attack and maybe kill him from behind yet when the bird itself rested its head of the ground and the silence prevailed.

"One day you will rule this sea and far beyond it, so do not die on this one. This prince wished to simply obtain the beak of a dead falcon and had no intention to kill an innocent creature yet your shrewdness signified the power I had burning in my heart so this one decided to test.

Beyond this nest is the body of a dead falcon that seemed to have lost its life only some days ago thus I will take its beak and go now. You,do not go near it since it will soon attract all those serpents and predators.

You might be their king one day but right now they are stronger, so hide here and increase your strength for now, this one has had enough of you so I shall take my leave."

Looking at the angry beast it seemed that it was scolding Azarios thousand times in its heart as if saying-"What King?! You fought with this one disrupting my sleep and food because you wished to pass your time and test me! I have never met such an infuriating human in my life, demon! No, angel who is infuriating but is kind....but you ripped my feathers! Insolent human! Let me become the King then I shall search you and eat you first! No not eat..can't even kill this foolish and dangerous human! You wait till I grow up."

The boy got up dusting his ink robe as if it was simply a chat with a friend.

"Stop thinking and looking at this prince like a fool, when you grow up we will see who is stronger." The baby falcon seemed to have lost its strength of competing with Azarios as it grunted and moved away sitting in its nest, showing Azarios its back.

While the entire fiasco was taking place disciple Varom was feeling undecipherable in his heart.

So this mad royal thought of having a battle with a carnivores creature simply because it was interesting..... following Azarios thinking he might control the prince?

This boy was a devil!

"Varom throw the entire bag of herbs you collected on your way here, this foolish bird might need it to sleep on it and heal its wounds." The baby falcon whined before going again to sleep.

It was a female falcon thus at last resorted to whines.


AZARIOS: "Now that I see, you resemble that baby falcon Lilith......just that you are softer, no much more softer that it was and so little, maybe that was why I could not bring myself to leave it wounded."

LILITH: *Fuming upon called little* "Since you ripped its feathers while fighting, would you do the same to me too if we fight and then at last give this one some ointment?"

AZARIOS: *feeling guilty and shaken* "Seros, take the entire army and go search for that female falcon of my childhood and upon meeting build it a beast castle, give it food daily and appoint some servants for it, take imperial physician with you to check for its health... take money from my treasury."

LILITH: "......Its a beast"

AZARIOS: "But it resembles you."

LILITH: "....."

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