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Crystal pottery made of crushed gemstones with violet clay crashed onto the magnificent wall of the imperial harem making the woman shudder. Under which evil star was this person bestowed to him by the god? Emperor Alexander felt unfathomable in his heart when Empress Seycea held his leg and cried begging for him to calm down and think...they were not dead yet.

"This empress could not predict such a thing might happen! One did not wish for Lady Giana to die, your majesty-"

"WHAT LADY! That was...what have this one done.....one made her die, one followed your words and became the cause of her death...all is ruined." The words uttered in hopelessness were in their own meaning contradicting and did not make much sense.

Emperor Alexander had countless women in his inner residence, thousands of noble women in the empire and even several ladies that would have wished to become a concubine of General Azarios to have a good future, the women earlier sent by Empress Seycea were ladies from the capital but this woman that died... where did this mysterious lady appear that neither had any information on her father or mother?

There was no Lady Giana in the empire of Ambrose.

No such woman ever existed in the capital of Ambrose

Instead, there was one in Darrin, the large piece of land that broke free from the Great Eastern Deserts by the rebellious forces and established an empire of their own, their was one woman that existed with that name.

Princess Giana of Darrin, the only daughter of the Barbarian king- Blanc that ruled the mountainous regions of cold deserts in east.

Fearing the rising power of General Azarios, Emperor Alexander had spent countless nights awake hoping that there must be a way to curtail the strength of Azarios and award him death with the whole scheme look like an accident.

Earlier for most he could think of arranging for was a female spy that once entered the gates of the Lotus mansion could kill the general yet that was a far-fetched dream, females that had common background shall always get lost in the luxury and might be even enchanted by the general to replicate their masters. Even if they could kill the general then they themselves would not escape the calamity and would be hunted down by the angry mob of commoners and the enigmatic people of Azarios since even he as the Emperor did not had his control over the Lotus mansion.

This could only be done by a female that had seen all extravagance and even more in her life and had her own purpose to achieve something, someone that possessed enormous power to even implicate the household of General Azarios and let her own people frame the general lady for the crime.

King of Darrin had sent a delegation an year ago asking for Ambrose's assistance and if possible an alliance since they faced severe attacks from the side of the Great Eastern Deserts yet at that time fearing Princess Nevix's power as the Sultana he had never truly responded and dared not extend a hand to become allies but now since Princess Nevix had herself come to extend a hand of friendship to Ambrose and General Azarios becoming too fierce Alexander agreed to become secret allies.

After all what he had to lose? If Darrin lost from eastern Deserts then he already had amiable relations with Princess Nevix and if they won then he had a secret alliance with Darrin. Furthermore would send the Azaron army that was only faithful to their General to both the wars as his support and not his own imperial army but it had a big issue- if Azarios was alive how could he let his army go without him?

Thus as a gesture for an alliance Alexander also proposed to the King Blanc of Darrin to marry his daughter with the General, if Princess Giana wishes she could become the main wife with her beauty and later after killing the General she could sneak his wealth to both the imperial palace of Ambrose and a portion to Darrin.

Who knew that General Azarios would instead kill Princess Giana and bring calamity to Ambrose? Instead, where did the shadow guards the princess brought disappeared to?

After the concubine's death, her maids were made to follow the same course and were executed, with the corpse covered with a black cloth sent to the imperial palace, such impudence was punishable with the slaughter of the entire household.

Entire Ambrose capital saw the parade of the dead body and understood one thing, their general's words were final- if he said he would not take another wife he must not be forced or there would be dire consequences, initially, he refused it rightly after his marriage to General lady to take in any woman, then came one time when it was said that countess Jillian shall be his main wife followed by an imperial order by empress but at last when all his refusals did not work he accepted it only to turn the situation around and show to the noble aristocrats that whoever dared give him their daughters shall be prepared to lose her and their prestige yet only Emperor Alexander saw how disrespectfully the princess died.

Emperor Blanc would not let this go.

"Did wife liked the show?" Lilith threw her head back and laughed merrily as if her spirits were just rejuvenated. Another of her plans was accomplished thus .

"Artimisia will conquer Darrin before sunset. Husband had done well."


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