New Sun

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Commander General Azarios and his wife the general lady were deprived of their status and forced to leave the empire of Ambrose, at first only a handful of the commoners were agitated while those with noble blue blood had a complete understanding of what was in their favor thus they did not have much of a reaction yet sooner or later the truth was unfolded.

At first a messenger had arrived at the empire of Ambrose with Darrin's seal and the King's message yet before he could be presented to the royal court, he died under mysterious circumstances. Later when soldiers on the borders of Ambrose found dead carcasses of men and women that were citizens of Ambrose a rumor spread in the empire that Ambrose was cursed and would crumble after the protective shield of Lotus mansion was removed.

Yet how come the noble aristocrats not understand that it was a mere coverup to hide the real issue and soon the powerful clans and imperial officials were aware that the woman given to General Azarios as his concubine was the princess of Darrin. General Azarios not knowing her status and the impact it might bring on Ambrose defended his wife but in reality it was emperor Alexander who wished to curtail the power of the General.

Furthermore, as soon as Princess Nevix was informed of the exchanges between Darrin and Ambrose, she left the empire in rage, afterall Darrin was an enemy country of Great Eastern Deserts.

Emperor Alexander was soon looked at with suspicious and fearful eyes and the nobles secretly created their own factions, if the general that saved the country won't be spared by their monarch then what were they? Princess Nevix was the Sultana and commanded six mighty armies of east, making an enemy of her was foolish and would only lead to mayhem and catastrophe.

In the time of dire situations and war like conditions between Ambrose and Darrin, Gaerin was eerily quiet as if now sleeping and watching, the enigmatic monarch of Gaerin that the coomners talked about as if their goddess was simply too silent to be called peaceful- no, it resembled a tiger watching it prey. Thus it was necessary that Darrin must be compensated and its rage must be quelled.

It was the era of change and a new sun of empire was needed.

"Mother must listen to imperial brother Baez-" A harsh slap followed by clear hand imprint on the porcelain cheek stood out glaringly. Empress mother Feyore trembled when she looked at the cold indifferent eyes of her daughter, Princess Quare and then looked at her own shivering palm that had slapped the princess.

"Quare t-this one has two cannot choose, how can you the blood sister of Alexander say such treacherous words?"

"Mother must not jest, this princess resembles mother in being ruthless and cold. It was emperor brother that gave this one away to Prince Ragel. If brother can sacrifice this one for political gain then why it is different if this princess does the same? One has only come to inform imperial mother and not to take permission- in case you tried to counter Brother Baez using unscrupulous means and methods then one has to take severe steps."

Visage of the someone whom Empress mother Feyore had betrayed appeared in her thoughts as she remembered his words.

'Greed for the throne leads to bloodlust, if one is truly capable then there won't be any need for the empress to crave out a path for Alexander to remain seated on the throne, one is educating him so he is capable to rule.'

'Feyore, there might not be any emotional relationship between us but this one has always respected you, just that you don't seem to want that. There are only two princes, both our son and one daughter, this emperor has not thrown you to a position where you have to fight for your survival in the palace yet your never-ending ambitions will only bring misery.'

'Baez has eyes resembling of a snake- too cold and filled with conspiracies.'

Now at this moment when she was not capable and rendered without an ounce of power she remembered what Emperor Heun always told her as an empress-that she might be the mother of all nation yet she won't be a mother to her children if she continue feeding them lies and forgiving their sins.

Prince Baez rebelled and was out for the blood of Emperor Alexander. Blooded brothers fighting amongst themselves was a thing unheard of, previous monarchs even with four blooded brothers were much more forgiving to their kins. Ministers knowing that they did not have much of a choice sided with Prince Baez including the sick Prime Minister Zhan.

Ambrose army without General Azarios's Azaron army was like a piece of cards that would fell any moment thus Duke Selic and subordinate generals too sided with Prince Baez.

To quench the anger of Darrin's king and to save their country from the wrath of Sultana of Eastern deserts......the Emperor would be disposed of by his own younger brother who would replace him as the new monarch.

Empress Seycea was imprisoned in the cold palace.

Emperor Alexander was locked in the underground dungeon.

And Empress mother Feyore cried blood tears- the sons she raised with so much thinking and under immense scrutiny of previous Emperor Heun were fighting amongst themselves. Her daughter was too unfeeling and her empire was collapsing.

A/N: My sincere apologies to make you all wait. Life is just a lemoncake these days!

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