Chapter 5

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Eren's P.O.V

I couldn't stop getting a bad feeling as I rode further and further away from Levi. Something just didn't feel right. I should have taken him with me. It was too late now. Already it was mid afternoon. Not knowing what else to do I rode forward. Paying attention to my surroundings, keeping my senses alert. I followed the trees, hoping to come up on the rest of the Scouting Leigon. I rode, and rode. I couldn't find them. Levi came back to my mind and I looked up to the sky, pulling the reighns back. I quicly turned back to the direction I came from. The sun already was starting to go down. I had about twenty minuets until dark. I heard wolves howling from a ways off. My mind went back to Levi and that caused me to push the horse even harder to go faster. I saw off in the distance a red flare go up into the sky. "LEVI!" I yelled as loud as I could and rode as fast as I possibly could. The wind rushed by me and it got colder by the minute. A freeze was coming. I heard the wolves getting louder each time they howled. 

Levi's P.O.V 

I heard the wolves as the sun began to set. I cried out for Eren as loud as I could, with all my might. I didn't care if I wasn't acting tough or manly. I just was scared and in pain. I just wanted Eren. I cried out over and over. When it began to get darker than it already was, I grabbed the flare and gun with my shaking hands, my fingertips numb. I pulled the trigger and the flare shot up into the sky. I could faintly hear the scream of Eren yelling my name. I tried to yell for him but I could no longer. Out of the corner of my eye I saw shadows, small shadows. Then I realized they were wolves, getting closer and closer. I scooted back further into the wagon, scared. I heard the sound of horse hooves and I knew it was Eren, coming to save me. Or I thought it was Eren. 

" EY! Oi! Eh! Scat! Get out of here!" The man on the horse yelled and drove the wolves away. I tried to hide futher in the wagon. The man got off his horse and came over to the wagon. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? I might get to have some fun with you." The man laughed demonically..

Sorry that it's taken a bit long. I'm also sorry about this mysterious man... and the cliff hanger. 

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