Chapter Two

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Eren's P.O.V.

The expedition seemed to be going well. We had encounterd few titans and everything seemed to be going our way. All of that changed when we saw a flash of light and suddenly the Colassal Titan. Corporal Levi signaled us to go left to try to avoid it but that was no use. We were surrounded. Titans coming from all directions in all sizes. I was suddenly pulled off my horse and dragged into the woods.

"Hey! Let go!" I yelped. 

"Be quiet brat." I suddenly realized it was Corporal Levi that had pulled me into the woods. We were hiding in trees. 

"Why aren't we trying to save them?" I asked

"Because your the main priority and risking your life like that would be useless," He told me with a strait face. "follow me." He said as he took off with his 3DMD we had been going through the trees for 5 minuets when I saw it. The Armored Titan. Before I could do anything Levi went after it. 
"GO UP ON THAT BRANCH!" He yelled to me. I obeyed his order to hide. His blades flew through the air. It all happened so fast. The Armored Titan reached around, grabbed him and flung him against a tree. 

"LEVI!" I yelled.

In a quick blur the Armored Titan was gone. I raced through the trees to the Corporal. Once I got down there I realized the true extent of his injuries. His blades had broken and one of them had stabbed him in the side. He was loosing blood fast. I pulled out the blade and used my Scout Regiment cape to tie around his wound. He was unconscious. I hugged him against me and took off with my 3DMD. After extensive searching I found a good spot to rest. It was a clearing in the trees with a river and jumping fish. It would have been peaceful if I didn't have a bleeding man in my arms. I took off his boots and gear leaving him in only a shirt and pants. I had taken off his Scout Regiment uniform cape because it was soaked in blood and torn up. I looked at him and smiled. No Eren. No. I told myself. I can't fall for him. I unbuttoned his shirt and looked at the wound. After cleaning it I started ripping parts of his shirt to make a bandage since it was already torn up from his fall. I had gotten the bleeding to stop after some time. 

Levi's P.O.V.

Where am I? What's going on? Why am I in pain? I suddenly remembered what had happened. I went to attack the Armored Titan and that was the last thing I remembered. I opened my eyes to a blinding light. I could feel a breeze and hear running water. When I opened my eyes I took in my surroundings. I was in the woods still. In a clearing. leaned against the trunk of a tree. I saw the river. I saw someone by the river knelt down, cleaning something. I realized it was Eren. What is Eren doing? Why am I just sitting here? And again, Why does my side hurt so much? I looked down to see my shirt in strips. I had a strip wrapped around my waist with blood slightly seeping through. I touched it and winced. 

"Oh good. Your awake." I heard a voice say. I must've jumped a bit because the next think the voice said was: "Sorry for startling you." I looked up to see it was Eren, standing ubove me. He knelt down and started to unwrap the makeshift bandage.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Shut up and let me take care of you." He said.

"Ok..." I replied, a bit taken back by him talking to me like that. It was kinda hot. No. Really hot. 
"What happened to me?" I asked him as he cleaned it with a wet piece of my shirt.

"The Armored Titan grabbed you and threw you at a tree. I'm surprised you only have two broken ribs," He told me,"one of your blades broke and stabbed you." He finished

I wasn't quite sure what to do. After he re-wrapped the wound I grabbed his face and kissed him softly. I pulled him close to me and whispered against his lips "Thank you for taking care of me." I kissed him once more and let him go. He blushed. "What else was I supossed to do?" He asked me looking shy. 

"Save your self? Not just go after me." 

"I couldn't just leave you.." He blushed more. 

"You're so cute when you blush." I remarked. He gave me a quick kiss and ran off to the river to clean some more strips. 

It began as the 58th Exedition outside the walls, but soon turned into a blood bath. Soon enough Squad Levi were the last ones standing, surrounded by the bodies of the Scout Regiment. They had been annihilated by the Colassal Titan. As always, it appeared out of thin air and attacked. Squad Levi suffered great casualties. loosing Hanji, Sasha, and Connie. The reatreated but were forced to go west. They found a small villiage and decided it would be best to stay there until they were well enough to go back. 

Armin's P.O.V.

I turned around to ask Eren who was just behind me if he thought we would make it back. He wasn't there. I looked at the faces around me. I didn't see Eren. I went over to Jean. 
" Have you seen Eren?" I asked
" No," He replied as he walked away. He turned to face me, " I haven't seen haven't seen him since we got attacked." He finished then went to go talk to Erwin.
Hmm... What happened? I looked for Levi to see if he would know. I didn't see him either. How peculiar.. Where could they be? I wondered.


Enough Ereri for ya? I'll be updating as often as I can. Hopefuly every day. 


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