Chapter 4

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Levi's P.O.V.

We kept running away from the titans as fast as we could with my injuries. We saw ahead of us, wagons from the expedition. 

"We can hide underneath one." Eren said, running short on breath 

"Yeah we could do tha-" I stopped when I felt an intense wave of nausea wash over me and my vision started to black.

"Corporal!" I could hear Eren yelling at me but the whole world seemed to be in slow motion.

"Eren... I-I can't move" I fell to my knees and he started to tear up.

"Then I'll carry you. I can't lose you." He then proceeded to pick me up. He struggled to lift me/drag me to the wagons. Once we'd reached them the titans were a little more than a mile away. It was getting louder and the ground began to shake. Eren pulled me under the nearest wagon and checked my bandage. Upon seeing it was dirty he hurry and got out from underneath the wagon and pulled at the canvas cover and got some strips to re-apply to my side. He quickly unwrapped the strips at my side and re-wrapped it. 

"Eren, are they here yet?" I could barely hear the titans coming. I could feel the earth tremor beneath my body. Eren nodded and covered his ears. It all seemed to happen slowly, suddenly I saw half of the bottom of the wagon crack and bend. The wood burst and the foot of a titan lifted and kept running. Eren reacted quickly and covered my body with his own. The wagon was still standing amazingly enough. The titan had only seemed to crush one part, barely missing stepping on me. My vision started to go again and intense fatigue washed over me. A sharp pain like fire went through my side. 

Eren's P.O.V. 

Levi suddenly got a look of shock on his face and arched his back against me and screamed. I panicked and looked at his side. The wound was infected and I had no medical equipment. Seeing him in so much pain conquered my fears and I got out from under the wagon endangering both of us. Luckily the titans were ahead now and I looked in to wagon and found nothing there. I ducked under and looked at Levi. He was passed out now from being in so much pain. I wiped away the tears that had started to form. I carefully picked him up and made sure it was safe. I went as quickly as I could to the other wagon. I set him down and looked in. I almost jumped up and down of joy when I saw the medical kit. I grabbed it and grabbed him. This wagon was still in good condition so I climbed in and laid him down on the blankets in the wagon. This was probably the wagon for the injured that got abandoned. I found water and food. In the kit I found real bandages and everything I'd need to take care of the infection. Levi woke and gasped as the pain in his side hit him again. Quickly I grabbed some herbs and put them in water for him to drink that would take most of the pain away. It took everything he had to keep it down. I gave him something else for the nausea and possible blood infection. I heard stomping, not titan stomping though. It sounded like a horse. I looked outside and saw it. I whistled and it came over, it had a saddle and everything. There were only two things that appeared to be wrong... there was no rider in sight and the horse was splattered in blood. I cringed and got on. I turned to Levi. " I'm going to see if anyone is around. I'll be back before dark. If something happens or I'm not back when the sun begins to set fire the red flare." I tossed him the gun and flare. He caught it and set it down. As I began to ride away I was sure I heard him say 'I love you'. 

Sorry I haven't posted in like 3 months. :( I've had some issues. I'll try to get something else posted soon. Tell me what you think in the comments!

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