Chapter Three

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Erwin's P.O.V.

Armin had just come up to me asking if I knew where Levi or Eren were. I honestly didn't know. I had seen them both when the titans came. I hope where ever they are, their alright. 


Levi's P.O.V.

I had fallen asleep after Eren ran off to do whatever but when I woke up it was dark. I glanced up to the dark sky and gazed at the moon. so peaceful. I thought. I looked over to see Eren sleeping on the ground next to me. He looked cold and uncomfortable. I carefuly pulled him up onto my lap. He seemed to relax when I did this. I looked back up to the moon, around the trees, and far off in the distance I could see a 14 meter titan walking around. It made me realize how small I am in a vast world that has yet to be explored. 

I couldn't help but just look at Eren. He looked at peace laying on me. I just kept thinking that this could be my last night. I was startled out of thought when Eren moved. He snuggled closer against me. I heard him mumble something in his sleep. I leaned closer to hear what he was saying. "Levi....." was all I could understand. He was dreaming about me? I smiled to myself. I eased myself down next to him on the grass and fell asleep.

When I woke up he was gone. I tried to get up to look aroung to see where he was when a wave a pain washed over me. I fell back onto the grass and looked at my side. Blood had seeped through the make-shift bandage. Eren came running towards me. He knelt down and ran over to the river to get a new one. 

Eren's P.O.V.

I ran over to Levi when I saw him fall. I looked at the bandage and ran to the river to get a new one. I'm running out. I thought to myself. I suddenly felt the ground shake. I heard it... Titans.... A lot of them to. I could hear them running and feel the cround shudder under their quake. I grabbed the three remaining bandages and ran to Levi. 
"Which direction?" He asked
"Then we go east. Try to move around them. "

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know it's not much guys but I'm busy. I'll try to update more :)

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