Chapter 6

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"Well, well, well, what do we have here? I might get to have some fun with you." The man laughed. I backed up as far as I could into the back of the wagon. I barely noticed my bandages snagging on the wood. I smelled a strong smell coming off the man. Alcohol perhaps? Looking around I remembered Eren had left behind a titan blade for me in case of emergency. I picked it up and shakily pointed it at the man. 'come on Levi, this isn't you. Hold yourself together' I thought. I stopped shaking, I stopped feeling the pain in my side and I just pointed the blade at him and glared. "Go away." I said sternly.

"Oh, come one. I just want a little fun." The man stepped closer to me and I yelled for Eren one last time. That's when I heard him yell back


"Eren!!" I yelled as loud as I could. It all happened so fast. The man pulled out a gun and shot at Eren, missing him but hitting his horse. The horse went down and Eren rolled out of way so it didn't land on him. He took out a titan sword and ran at top speed towards the man. Before I knew it, Eren had cut the man's head off. His body dropped to the ground. Eren tied off the mans horse so we had at least one horse. He got into the wagon and without speaking began to attend to my wound. We laid down as it got very dark. I wanted to lay right next to him and kiss him but he hadn't said a thing since he got back. I began to worry that I'd done something wrong.


"Yes, Levi?"

" Do you hate me? Did I do something wrong?"

"Levi... what would make you think that I hate you? You did nothing wrong."

" You haven't said a word to me since you got back. I've just been scared I guess... that you didn't love me" Eren looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

" Don't think that Levi, I love you so much." He assured me that he loves me and pulled me closer.

Every day it was, wake up, work on my side, then go out for food and help. We never succeeded in finding help. Eventually we went back into the forest once I was healed and at my best again. We made a living off of the fish and other animals there. We survived. We fell deeper in love. We didn't catch many breaks but Eren caught a lot of fish.

The sun had begun to set and Eren just got back. He went and sat with his back against a tree. I went over to him and sat in his lap facing him. He looked at me and grinned. I kissed him passionately and roughly. Eren softly moaned and moved down so he was laying on his back. I sat just below his crotch and leaned forward and started to grind my hips into his. Eren closed his eyes and moaned again. I kissed him roughly and pulled his shirt off. Eren kissed me again and broke it to take my shirt off. He flipped me over and got on top of me. Eren took off his pants and pulled off mine. After a few rough kisses and a lot of hands on each other's bodies we were naked and I was on top of Eren again. I slid down to his penis and and stroked it softly. Eren moaned and closed his eyes while smiling. I took his dick in my hand and kissed the tip. Eren gasped as I licked it. I took him into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it, sucking softly, then harder. I licked his slit and rubbed the rest of his shaft. Eren arched his back and moaned loudly. I heard him moan my name. "Levi... hnng.." I left kisses up his stomach to his chest and on his neck. Eren flipped me over and lifted my legs and began to thrust into me. "Do you want it deeper?" he asked. I nodded my head and moaned as he hit my prostate. Eren began to jerk me off.

"Er-en... I'm..ngh... close" I moaned

"So am *gasp* I" Eren began to thrust harder and faster. I gasped and arched my back and moaned loudly.

"Eren!" I screamed his name as I came on mine and his chests.

"Levi!" He also screamed my name as he came in me. He rolled over and laid next to me. By now, we're both breathing heavy and and smiling big. I turn to Eren.

"That was amazing" I remarked.

"That really was amazing. It felt so good" Eren sighed happily and turned over and kissed my cheek. I began to realize how dirty we'd gotten.

"Eren... can we go clean up in the river?" I asked. Eren laughed.

"Sure. Let's go." We went and got cleaned up. Eren helped me get the dirt out of my hair and I helped him with the cum on him. We went and laid down together and fell asleep looking up at the stars.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I worked really hard on that sex scene. It's not the first one I've written but it's the first gay sex scene I've written that was that long. Comment what you think and maybe what you want to see in the next chapter. ^-^

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