W.D. Gaster, the Best "Uncle" Ever Part 1 (Chapter 3)

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Alright, folks, this is it! :D The room that Gaster's been going on and on about to the kids! ;) I've mentioned it before in some of my previous stories but now it's finally time for Gaster to show it off to the kids! :D Will it live up to the kids' expectations? Well, considering the amount of time he spent building it and fixing it up, Gaster certainly hopes so! ;) But if not, that's okay! Gaster will still love the kids if they don't like the room! Because he's nice like that! XD ;) Haha! But they'll probably wind up liking it though. I mean, come on! It's a special room in what is essentially an underground lair for goodness sake! ;)

Undertale© Toby Fox.


Chapter 3: The Room

Gaster: Hehehehe. Alright, little ones, before I open this door, I feel I should tell you what we're all going to be doing in there.

Frisk: (Getting a whole bunch of tickles? Heeheeheeheeheehee! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Asriel: Okie dokie! We're listening, "uncle" Gaster. Heeheeheeheeheehee! Tell us! Tell us! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!

Gaster: Hehehehehehe; ok, ok. Hehehehehehe. In a few moments, we're going to be playing one of our favorite table-top role-playing games of all time! Except this time, we're going to act out every scene as if we're actually there; because behind this door is a room capable of creating various simulations. ...In other words, virtual reality of some sort! Hehehehehe. See for yourselves.

A few seconds later, Gaster proceeded to open the large metallic door to reveal the special room he created over the course of six months; and once he did, the kids' jaws just plain dropped to the floor! Behind the door was a HUGE supposedly empty room! Actually, no; it wasn't really a room at all! It was more of an underground chamber; an enormous one with a 50-foot ceiling, four walls with curved corners, and a perfectly leveled floor that covers an area of 250,000 square feet! :O Way bigger than what the kids were all expecting! But the size of the room however was only a minor surprising factor in comparison to the room's overall appearance. The appearance of the room has a rather ominous feel to it. Each one of its four walls is red and when looking up at the ceiling, the red color gets darker and darker until smoothly transitioning into a black color at the base of the ceiling; and hanging from the ceiling are these bright spherical lights that appear as if they're floating in midair. But in reality, they're being held in place by these black chains that blend into the black ceiling. Speaking of things appearing as if they're floating in midair, since the walls and ceiling have curved corners, the kids feel as if they're standing on a single floating platform in a completely red and black dimension! Very trippy if the kids do say so themselves! Especially due to the outermost area of the floor being the same red color as the walls! It gives them the impression that they're in danger of falling into a red abyss if they happen to get too close to what looks like the edge of a floating platform! But as for the majority of the floor though, it's covered with these back tiles that the kids can all see their reflections in and surrounding each one of the tiles are these red lines that appear as if they're glowing. But in reality, they aren't actually glowing at all; just another illusion. Also, despite appearing to have a hard surface like that of a standard tiled floor, the tiles in this room actually feel quite soft and rubbery to the touch; especially against Asriel and MK's bare feet. That was done intentionally to prevent the kids from injuring themselves if they were to do something like jump off of a 40-foot-tall structure. But wait, the room's empty! How can there be something 40 feet tall in a currently empty room? Easy; in this room, individuals can create anything they want! And although the things that can be created are essentially just more illusions, they feel as if they're actually real! In other words, holograms that can be touched and interacted with! The only catch is that in order to create such things, Gaster and the kids have to speak to the room in wingdings, which Gaster and the kids all know how to do (Gaster to the fullest extent and the kids to some extent); Chara and Asriel thanks to Gaster himself (before the events of the game); Frisk thanks to Chara and Asriel; and MK thanks to his kid sister, GK (by showing him various books with wingding symbols and by drawing wingdings and their appropriate hand gestures on paper for MK to see with her mouth, feet, and tail).

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