Toriel and Asriel's Adorable Mother-Son Bonding

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This story is a follow-up to "Asriel Dreemurr, the Ticklish "Kid."" It takes place a day later and it is perfectly fine to read this story first if you haven't already read its predecessor. This is the second story that focuses entirely on Asriel. Enjoy! :)

Undertale© Toby Fox.


It is a Sunday evening at Toriel's house, one day after Asriel was tickle tortured by Frisk, Chara, and M.K. (Monster Kid). The four children sure got a good night's rest after all of the excitement they had the previous day. Asriel and Frisk slept especially well the previous night. Asriel slept well because he got pretty tired after laughing his head off for such a long period of time and also because he was so happy after reading his mother's wonderful news about his father. Frisk slept well because she got to snuggle with Asriel. His fur is so warm and cozy.

It won't be too long until Toriel and Asgore arrive. Frisk and Chara want to spend some time with Asgore and they will actually be leaving with him for a few days. This means that Asriel will get to spend some alone time with his mother and he knows exactly what he wants to do with her when they're alone together. It's something they haven't done for a long time and he just knows she'll love it. In the meantime, the four children were chilling with Sans after spending the day playing outside together. Sans made them breakfast and lunch and told them some jokes to lighten up their day even more. Listening to Sans's jokes was their reward for behaving after all, even though they actually somewhat misbehaved by tying up and tickle torturing Asriel last night. Although Asriel was completely ok with being tickle tortured, it was still something that was rather inappropriate since they tricked him into letting them tie him up and Sans didn't know a thing about it. Or did he?

Toriel: *enters the house*

Sans: Look who it is kiddos.

Frisk and Chara: Hi Mom!

Asriel: Howdy Mom!

The three children each gave Toriel a hug.

Toriel: Why hello my children. I've missed you so much!

Asgore: *enters the house* Howdy everyone!

Frisk: Hi Asgore!

Chara: Hi Dad!

Asriel: Howdy Dad!

The three children then gave Asgore a hug. After saying hi to everyone, Toriel accompanied Frisk and Chara as they went upstairs to get their things. While they were getting ready, Asgore briefly talked to Asriel, M.K., and Sans. Everyone talked about how their nights went and Sans told Asgore that the kids were great and listened to everything he told them. Frisk, Chara, and M.K. have officially gotten away with what they did to Asriel last night. After having such nice conversations, Toriel, Frisk, and Chara went downstairs. Frisk and Chara were then ready to leave with Asgore.

Asgore: Frisk... Chara... ready to go?

Frisk: We sure are Asgore!

Chara: We've really been looking forward to this Dad!

Toriel: You two have fun.

Frisk and Chara: We will Mom!

Frisk and Chara then hugged Asriel, Toriel, M.K., and Sans goodbye before leaving with Asgore. About ten minutes later, Sans and M.K. left the house leaving Asriel and Toriel all by themselves. After having a nice supper together, Asriel and Toriel then sat on the couch and she told him more about how spending the night with his father went. She had many great things to say and Asriel is really happy that things are going well for them.

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