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You sat with your legs swinging over the counter, a plate of pancakes in your lap as Keigo went about fussing over fruit and juices to pair with the fluffy delights. You'd never known pancakes to taste so good. Keigo had opened the windows, letting the light spring breeze into the kitchen. Birds were singing outside, and you could hear the soft sounds of the city far below. It was bliss, calm and easy.

"I've got to go grocery shopping today, what about you?" Keigo asked, popping a strawberry into his mouth and leaning against the counter next to you, a serene smile across his handsome, stubbly face.

"I'm not nearly out of cereal and ramen, so I should be good." You responded, earning a grimace from the winged man.

"(Y/N). That is unacceptable. You need to eat better." Keigo's tone is dangerous, annoyed. You rolled your eyes.

"It's so much work though! When I get home from the office most time I just flop on my couch and watch Anime." You responded honestly, and Keigo frowned, moving slightly to place his palms on either sides of your thighs, caging you in.

"But, Goddess, Don't you wanna be my good girl?" He asked, and then bit his lip, peering down at you with a devilish look in his eyes. "If you won't take care of yourself, I'll have to do it." He warned, leaning down and pressing his lips to the bite mark on your neck, squeezing himself between your legs. Your breath hitched in your throat, you gripped onto his black tee shirt. "I bet you'd like that though, huh Baby bird?" He teased, licking over the closed wound and blowing on it, causing a wave of goosebumps to cover your body. All too suddenly, he pulled away, leaving you hot and bothered as he poured a cup of your favorite juice. "We're going grocery shopping today, so I should probably refrain from pounding you into the counter, as much as you're clearly fucking asking for it, being a brat like that." He smirked, picking up a piece of pancake and shoving it in your open mouth. You sputtered and almost choked on the fluffy cooked dough, glaring at him.

"Keigo- that peace was too big, I could have choked!" You warned him after you had finished chewing and swallowed the too-large bite.

"My darling Goddess Divine, I can say with great certainty that you have had bigger things sliding down your throat." He teased, turning his back to you so he could retrieve the handwritten grocery list from underneath of its magnet on the fridge. "What do you want for lunch?" He asked, his tone shifted greatly. You were going to get whiplash from how quickly he changed his mood- and probably chafing from how ungodly wet he was susceptible to making you at the drop of a hat.

"I have no idea- I'm actively eating breakfast. I can't even begin to think about lunch." You groaned, picking up the last piece of pancake and taking it between your teeth. Keigo hummed and nodded.

"I'm craving KFC." He noted, turning back around and taking your plate, replacing it with the notepad and pen. "Write down whatever you like so I can map out the grocery store before we go. I hate being in public too long because unless I'm actively doing hero work I try to keep a low profile." He explained, and stuck his tongue out between his teeth on the side, squinting as he examined the mark on the side of your neck. "I like that on you. More than I probably should." He admitted, and then looked you in the eye. "When it heals, can I do it again?" He asked seriously, though in a tone that was open for discussion. He wanted your full consent this time, he didn't want it to be a one-off thing, and he would greatly prefer it not be a spur-of-the-moment action as it had been. You were taken aback. When it heals? This entire time you were very sure this... entanglement of yours would come to an end on Monday- but if he wanted to mark you again once this one was healed... it meant that he intended for this whole thing to last a few weeks at least. But, something in his eye, something about the way that his hands rested comfortably over your thighs, you knew he meant it for even longer. Your heart skipped a beat while your stomach filled with butterflies. He wanted this to last as much as you did. A boss with benefits huh? You could definitely work with that, though you craved more.

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