ii | safe house

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𝐽𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑎𝑡 upfront with Dick. Khloe sat in the back. Just looking out the window overhearing the boys talk.

"Can't believe it. Here we are, together, in the same car. This is so cool!" Jason said. He couldn't contain the excitement. Meeting Dick Grayson was like meeting your favorite actor or person. Or even your crush for that matter.

"Yeah. Real cool." Dick said with a sarcastic tone. He really couldn't be any nicer?
He whipped his mouth again. "So how long have you and Bruce been, uh... Been..."

"Together?" Jason asked finishing for him.

"Almost a year," Khloe told him. Dick's eyes widened.

"A year?" He questioned. Jason and Khloe both nodded. Dick chuckled softly. "Wow. Okay. Didn't waste any time. So how did you and he..."

"I was out boosting cars. Guess I chose the wrong one." Jason chuckled. "Or the right one."

"Then he met me and I made his life miserable in the manor." Khloe laughed. Jason gave her a nasty look.

"You tried to steal the Batmobile?" Dick asked surprised.

"No, man. Just the hubcaps."

"And just like that, he took you in?"

"He took us in, Dick," Khloe told him.

"Guess he saw potential," Jason said changing the subject. "So, what do you think of the new suit? Upgrades are pretty sick, right? The new tunic is made with Zylon fibers, six times stronger than Kevlar. Seriously, bro, you can hit me with a flame thrower from ten feet and I'd be like, "That's all you got?" He bragged.

"Zylon fibers."

"Smart, right?" Khloe asked.

"Hey, no offense but you gotta admit, the old version was a little outdated." Jason laughed.

"So how'd you find me anyway?" Dick asked.

"The tracker," Khloe told him.

"What tracker?"

"In your arm," Jason said.

"There's a fucking tracker in my arm?"

"Yeah. In ours, too. Don't you remember him putting it in?" Khloe asked.


"Maybe you forgot," Jason suggested.

"So, where are we goin'?" Khloe asked.

"I gotta find a place to put that guy."

"Can I make a suggestion?" Khloe grinned.

"Sure," Dick told her giving in.


Khloe sighed getting out of the car. She's been to one of Bruce's so-called "safe houses." The one in New York was always her favorite.

"According to Bruce, the design of this place is inspired by Frank Lloyd," Jason said as they entered the building.

"Wright," Khloe said correcting him.

"I know, right? The dude's really into, you know, lines and shit. Bruce has a bunch of places like this. He calls them "safe houses," but they're more like condos. Never been to one." Jason replied. Khloe rolled her eyes. Jason was a little more cocky than usual and it was starting to be on her nerves. She'd lived with him for almost a year now. He'd try and flirt but that would earn him an elbow or a punch.

"You're lucky," Dick told him. As he went up to the scanner.

"Access denied." It said once it was done scanning Dick's eye.

"I got this," Jason told him. He walked by

"Access granted." The automated voice said granting Jason access to the elevator.

"Guess he changed the locks," Khloe muttered under her breath. Earning a look from Dick. They all entered the elevator. Silence lingered in the air before Dick broke it.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked. "Why do you even want to be Robin?"

"Are you kidding?" Jason looked at him in surprise. "This is the dopest gig ever. Hangin' out with Batman, kicking bad guys' asses, being famous, driving the damn Batmobile."

"He lets you drive the Batmobile?" Dick asked him. Jason looked down and was quiet for a moment before Dick broke the silence once more. "Wouldn't you rather have your own name? Like "Sparrow" or "Blue Jay," for "Jason"?" Dick asked him.

"Fuck, no. The whole point is being Robin. Batman needs Robin. Why do you think he makes us wear those lame colors? 'Cause, we're drawing fire. 'Look over here, assholes!' Then boom, the Bat lands and starts trashing ass." Jason explained. A shiver went down Khloe's spine.

The elevator door opened. Jason and Khloe got off.

"Here, I'll go back and get our friend," Dick said handing Jason his case. Katherine looked around.

"Been here before?" Jason asked her.

"Once. My favorite of Bruce's safe houses was New York. You could see the Statue of Library from my room." She said looking out the window.

"Maybe we could see something—" Khloe cut him off by elbowing him. He grunted.

"Nice try, Lover Boy."

"First off, ow. Second, why not?" He grinned.

"Jason, no. It will never happen." She retorted. "You've tried for a year to get with me. Never happening."

He shrugged and walked off. Looking at a painting. "Who's this?" Jason asked.

"Niccolò Machiavelli," Dick answered dragging Dr. Adamson out.

"Oh, yeah. Bruce has talked about that dude. Sounds like a total savage." Jason told him.

Dick stopped and looked over at Jason.
"If an injury has to be done to a man, it should be so severe that his vengeance need not to be feared. Severities should be dealt out all at once, so that their suddenness may give less offense." Khloe looked over at Dick as the two said it at the same time.

"I'm going to go put my stuff in my room. I'll leave you, boys. Jason check the brews." Khloe scolded him.

"Sure thing. Babe!" Jason called.

"Shut it, Bird Face!" She called back.

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