viii | calvary

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"YES!" Jason yelled out when Bruce had left the manor. "Our first time doing this without Bruce!" he told Khloe excitedly. Khloe just chuckled and sat down on the couch. He turned to look over at her. "What should we do first?"

She laughed. "How should I know?"

All she knew now, was that Bruce would be gone for a while. And she and Jason would be getting into trouble. If Alfred was there, he'd scold the two for even thinking of some of the dumbest things they could come up with while Bruce was gone. It was rare for Bruce to leave. So the two had to enjoy the time they had while he was gone.

"I mean—" Jason started to say before Khloe cut him off.

"No." She told him.

"You didn't even know what I was going to say!" he retorted.

She grinned before getting up from the couch. "Did too." She said walking to the stairs.

"Did not," Jason told her.

"Keep dreaming,"


Dressed in her suit, Khloe looked over Gotham. So far the city was quiet. Just some small stuff, grocery store robberies, and one car theft. The stuff she could handle on her own.

She had sent Jason to the other side of the city. She had figured it would be best to divide and conquer. If anything worse happened then the two would meet up and take care of it together.

She heard Jason's voice in her ear over the coms. "Nothing on the Eastside." He told her.

"Somethings not right," she commented. "The city's too quiet."

"Hey, it means less for us!" he said happily.

"Meet back at the cave." She told him. She jumped down to another building and quickly ran over the rooftops making her way back to the manor.


"So?" Jason questioned her for the fifth time. She had been looking over some stuff on the Bat Computer hoping to find out why the city was so quiet. It was definitely rare. She didn't know if a villain was in town and hired a few people to do their dirty work. But even then there would've been some kind of something.

Khloe sighed and looked at Jason. "Nothing." She said turning back to the Bag Computer and powering it off.

"Sucks." He commented and walked off.

"Where are you going?" Khloe called.

"My room."


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