iii | old friend

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𝐾ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑑 gone and dumped her stuff into a room. She walked over to Jason and stood beside them. Jason had two beers in his hand and she took one out of his hand.

"Thanks for the help back there guys. But I'm good now. You guys should head back to Gotham." Dick told them as he tossed Khloe the tracker.

"What the frick, man?!" Khloe asked him angrily, as she turned to him. He walked over to her. "This was my only way of knowing you were safe!" She yelled at him. 

"I'm not Robin anymore. " He told her. "Have a safe trip back." He said walking over to the elevator. "Besides it's like you never cared anyway. Never called when I left." Dick retorted.

"I've always cared! You just never thought to think and see how I felt! Like when you left me with Bruce! You didn't have to do that!"

"Yeah, I did. You should take yours out as well." Dick told the two.

"Why?" Khloe asked him.

"We're not animals in Bruce Wayne's private zoo, Khloe!"

"You don't get it, Dick. He did it for you. For us! In case anything ever happened he could find us! I found you didn't I?" Khloe asked.

"Thanks for stopping by," Dick told them as he handed them their cases. Jason didn't say anything. "Tell Bruce I'm gonna need the place for a bit. He should be fine with it."

"I'm not leaving until I know who killed our friends. That's the only reason I ever came to San Francisco. It's not because of you. Never was, never will." She growled. 

Dick walked over and pressed the elevator button.

"Jason show him. I'm going to shower."

Khloe went off searching for a bathroom. One of the bathrooms had their new friend there. Khloe still wondered why her brother would be so worried about this guy.

Like what had he done to Dick?

She turned the water on in the shower the one that she had finally found. She left the water run down her back as she stood in there.

She wanted so badly to get out of the hero's life as White Knight. But she stayed because Jason would get himself killed for being too cocky.

She got done with the shower, dressed, and walked back out to the boys. Jason sat on the couch and looked at the pictures.
"Calling card of the Maroni crime family. Harvey Dent, your parents..." Jason said looking up at Khloe as she walked towards them.

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