iv | i dont see him

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"𝐼 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 his father." Khloe heard the words come out of her brothers mouth as he and Jason started to walk away. Khloe got up and followed the two.

She couldn't believe he just said that. After all these years she was told that he was shot in a shoot-off between two guys on the bridge.

Guess she was wrong. She was lied to.

"The guy who murdered your parents?" Jason asked. "That's a win either way you look at it. One less scumbag on the face of the planet. Man, that must've felt awesome."

"Yeah, that's the problem." Dick replied. "Hey, you want my advice?" Dick asked as he stopped and turned to Jason. "Don't be Robin. All those years Bruce was helping me? He was turning me into a weapon, his weapon. And he may have you convinced that you can get everything you ever wanted, but you can't unlearn what he teaches you and you can't control it. Believe me, the price is too high."

Khloe looked at her brother in shock. She still couldn't believe he killed Zucco. "You killed Zucco?" She asked him.

He gave a her a look of guilt. "I don't know what you want me to say, Khloe. He killed our parents."

"You killed him? As Robin!" She screamed.

Dick looked around and saw the looks they were getting.

"Not the place Khloe." He warned. His phone beeped and he looked down at it. "I gotta go."

"Where?" Khloe asked him.

"I gotta take care of this by myself."


Khloe and Jason had found Dick at some plant. Khloe didn't really care where it was. She just wanted to end this once and for all. No more playing games.

Her head still pounded from the explosion earlier. And she didn't enjoy Jason now watching her every move.

Jason was about to run off before Khloe grabbed his arm. "Jay, be careful. Please." She pleaded.

He gave her a grin. "Worried?"

"Shut it and just be careful."

"Anything for you." He smirked.

"He's an innocent man." Khloe heard her brother say. "Let him go."

"No!" He said firmly.

"He gave you an out, dumb-ass. You should've taken it." Robin said from above him, sarcastically.

Dick quickly grabbed the 'R' on his chest and threw it at the chains that were keeping Clay tied up, Clay fell to the floor as Jason jumped down from where he was and landed on the platform where Zucco's son was and landed on him as they rolled over the platform.

Khloe came just in time as she got Jason out of the way and kicked him in the gut.

As she did so he rolled away and pulled a gun out. It shot Khloe in chest. It was all in slow motion. As she fell to the floor.

Zucco's son slowly got up. As Khloe laid there. Being shot was something she hated. She also had the same design as Jason's suit. Which came in handy.

He was about to shoot Jason before Dick ran over and rammed him and punched him. As they fought Jason helped Khloe up. Dick had knocked him out.

"Nice work. Dude deserved what he got." Jason commented to Dick.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at his sister.

"Zylon fibers, man." She smirked.

"Oh, you're welcome, by the way, for saving your life." Dick retorted. Khloe gave him a look.

"And you're welcome for us saving your life." Jason shot back.

They heard police sirens and Dick looked between the two.
"We have to go." He told them.

"We'll take care of it." Khloe told him as the two ran off.

Cops entered through the door. Khloe watched them carefully as she and Jason hid in the shadows.

"All right, fan out." One cop said.

"Unit Five on the scene, responding to reports of gunfire."

"Roger that, Unit Five. Additional units are en route." Someone said on the radio. They slowly walked through the room.

"Got nothin'."

"Clear here."

Khloe ran and kicked one cop in the chest, he fell to the ground and she ran over to another cop he struggled with her as she kneed the gun out of his hand and knocked him out.

Jason rolled over to two cops he shot three with the cops gun and rolled so he'd knock over another cop.

Khloe came up beside him and pushed the cop towards some of the others that were now coming at them. Khloe kicked one then turned right around and kicked off another.

Jason punched one and twisted off a guns arm kicking him.

Khloe pounded one of the guys in head into the floor. Dying cops laid on the floor. Khloe looked around and gave Jason a look.

Khloe noticed one more cop. Jason had snuck behind him as he turned around Jason twisted his arm and punched him. Grabbing him, jumping slightly— "Lights out bitch—" falling to the ground breaking the cops back.

"No!" Khloe heard her brother yell. Jason had flipped off the cop and started to punch him. "What do you think you're doing?" Dick questioned the two angrily. Grabbing the two and pulling them behind a pillar. "They're cops."

"That's the coolest part about being Robin. Wearin' a mask. I can do whatever the fuck I want." Jason retorted.

"Did you not just hear what I said? There is no way Batman's cool with beatin' up cops." Dick shot back.

"He isn't. But I don't see him here. The cops in Gotham kicked our asses every night. Now we get to kick back." Khloe told him in reply.

"You obviously have your own shit goin' on. But you're gonna wake up one day and have no idea who you are." Dick told them.

"Oh, coming from the guy screaming 'I'm not Robin, I don't wanna be Robin' standing there in a fucking Robin suit, carrying that case all over the country!" Jason yelled. "You wanna know the real difference between us? I know who I am, man. I kick ass with Batman and I fucking love it. But who the fuck are you?" Jason walked off and Dick gave his sister a look.

"Sorry, big bro." She said waving with a smirk as she followed Jason. "Fuck you!" She said as she kicked one of the cops. Khloe didn't look back to see her brothers reaction. She didn't want to. She figured the look was disappointment. She didn't care. She just wanted to go back home and be White Knight in Gotham not San Francisco.

Maybe one day it would come back on her. She had attacked cops. She hoped that Dick wouldn't tell Bruce. If he found out they'd both lose being Robin and White Knight

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