vi | bat vs bird

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𝐾ℎ𝑙𝑜𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑘𝑒 up looking at her clock.

1:15 AM: it read.

She groaned and got up. She needed to get out of this house. Bruce was pestering her about what happened with Dick. She didn't want to talk to him about it.

She wanted to put what happened behind her. She knew that Jason wouldn't spill either.

She quietly made her way out of her room and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. She saw Jason open the fridge and put something back.

"What are you doing up this early?" Khloe questioned him as she leaned against the door frame.

"I'd ask the same thing." He retorted and grabbed his chocolate milk and walked over to a barstool and sat down.

"Couldn't sleep. So I'm going out." She replied. As she started to walk away.

"Be careful." He called out to her.

She rolled her eyes as she walked out the front door. Walking out the front door was so much better than sneaking out. She had learned that when Dick would sneak out.

She quickly looked around and went over to the garage. Find the door handle, she opened it and walked in. She looked around for the keys to her motorcycle. "There you are." She whispered.

She started it up and drove out the front gates.


Jason heard footsteps from into the kitchen. He looked over and saw Bruce. Jason gulped down his milk and got up, ignoring Bruce.

"Going to ignore me too?" Bruce questioned him.

Jason just walked away, he ran upstairs to his room and locked the door behind him. He didn't know what else to do anymore. He and Khloe weren't on the best of terms since he met Dick. If the two went out in the field together and they didn't talk, how could they take down the bad guys?

They needed something in common, to bond, and talk about. But Jason thought it was that he tried to get with Khloe, every time he tried she pushed him away more. Or the fact he took over her brother's place as Robin. Whatever it was, he was going to earn her trust.


Khloe parked her motorcycle and got off. Taking off her helmet she placed it on the bike. She started walking up to the club. Her friends Carly and Reign would be meeting her there.

She grabbed her phone and looked at her texts.

5 Text Messages from Robin 2.0

6 Missed Calls from Carly

She silently groaned. She opened the texts from Jason. She looked at the last one down: be careful. heard penguin is around.

Wonderful. She thought. That was the last thing she needed. Penguin. Since she was an adopted daughter of the famous billionaire Bruce Wayne, Penguin tended to come after them.

She looked down at her phone once more and called Carly back.

"Girl, you here yet? we got you a drink already!" Carly said over the phone.

"I'm here. Coming in now, just had to check my texts." Khloe told her.



Jason looked at his phone. Khloe didn't answer him. Nothing new. But he still would've liked a text back, to make sure Penguin didn't get her.

Music was blaring around Jason as he looked up from his phone. He put it in his back pocket and grabbed his drink. He turned away from the bar and leaned against it. He saw a brunette-haired girl with a black top and pants walk in. He knew it was Khloe.

He walked over to her.

"Didn't answer my texts." He told her.

She looked up at him surprised. "You've got to be kidding. Thought you were enjoying your chocolate milk." She said sarcastically.

"Bruce came down." He replied, then added, "why can't you trust me? I'm your partner."

"Trust has to be earned, Jay-bird." She said walking off.

"I thought we had a nice moment when we came back, I hugged you, ranted, cried with me. And this is how you repay that?" He told her. "Is it because I replaced your brother?" He asked.

She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. "No." She told him coldly. "This thing between me and you has nothing to do with Dick."

"Then why can't you trust me, Khloe?"

"Because! I can't trust another guy! Dick and Bruce ruined that for me!"

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