Chapter 10

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I pat Cade on the back of his shoulder and he yelps. 

“Good defense,” I say. 

Cade smirks. “Thanks.” 

I roll my eyes and start twirling my lacrosse stick around in my hand. “Think coach will let us have tomorrow off?” I question. 

“It’s a Saturday, what do you think?” 

I sigh. “Eh, I’ll have to persuade him into canceling practice tomorrow.” 

“Good luck with that!” Cade yells as he opens the boys locker room door, I roll my eyes and walk to the girls locker room. We finally won our Friday night games in over 3 weeks tonight. No one on the team was very excited about it, because the team we played against tonight sucked. A win is a win though. 

After getting changed into some comfortable clothes I head out of the locker room and lazily walk down the quiet high school halls, being in the school at night really did creep me out.


“AHHH!” I scream as I throw my lacrosse bag at the stupid person who decided to scare me. I look over to my left to see Noah and Ross laughing their asses off. I grunt and grab my bag from the floor. “you guys are so fricken immature,” I mumble. 

“Your face!” Noah breathes out. Ross nods his head then falls to the ground, I roll my eyes. 

“You guys are two,” I then start walking away from the dumb asses and to mom’s car. Emery is sitting in the passenger seat as dad couldn’t make it, he had to go to the office for work. I hop into the backseat and lean to the front of the seats. “where’s my mom?” I question. 

“Talking to your coach.” I grunt, she is so annoying. 

“Sorry, sorry!” mom exclaims as she opens the car door and gets in, starting the car. “alright Cedes?” I nod. “you have to watch your coach’s daughter tonight. The office called me I have to go in for a couple hours, so I’ll be home around one in the morning and dad wont be home until 2 or 3. You have to watch her until at least 10 or 11.” 

I drop my mouth. “That’s 6 hours mom!” I complain. 

“It won’t be that bad, Cedes.” 

“EMERY!” I whine as I stomp up the stairs. “EMERY!” I yell, opening his door. I roll my eyes when I see him on his laptop and earbuds in his ears. I walk to him and pull out his earbud. 

“Fu-Jesus Christ kid,” Emery hisses. 

I stomp my feet on the ground like a little child. “Help me get the little pest to bed, please,” I bug then pout. Emery rolls his eyes but stands up, I start doing a little dance. Emery grabs J-Dog and walks downstairs, me slowly following behind him.  

“Emalia?” Emery calls out. 

“Yeah?!” the little 7 year old calls back. We walk into the living room and Emalia is watching TV while laying comfortably on the couch. 

“Want to shut the TV off and play with J-Dog on the couch?” Emery asks as he takes a seat on the floor right across from Emilia. She nods and Emery hands J-Dog to her, I walk over and shut the TV off and turn on the lamp next to the couch. I take a seat next to Emery and we watch Emilia play with J-Dog and not even 20 minutes later she crashes. I turn to Emery. “I use to watch my bud’s sister time to time,” he explains then shrugs. 

“Do you miss home?” I blurt out. 

Emery lifts an eyebrow. “This is home?” 

I roll my eyes. “I mean Nevada, do you miss Nevada?” (don’t remember if I wrote where he moved to? If not then Nevada!) 

Emery shrugs. “I miss my friends but I missed my friends here when I moved. I still talk to my friends back in Nevada so I mean I guess?” 

“Who are your friends back in Nevada?” I ask. 

Emery chuckles. “There’s Max, Eddie, John, Mason, Owen, Ben, Shay, and Cara. Since we’re asking questions what’s up with you and that Cade kid?” Emery questions. 

“He’s my friend?” 

“Seems more than friends. He’s always here Cedes.” 

“So isn’t all my other friends.” 

“Yeah but he stays over, like sleeps over.” 

I shrug. “All my friends sleep over.” 

“Did you guys ever have a thing?” 

I roll my eyes. “He’s a friend Emery, he’s just as equal as Noah, Matt, Ross, Chance, and Silver are.” 

Emery shrugs. “How many boyfriends since I left?” 

“Three. How many girlfriends.” 

“Four. What up with you and Chace?” 

“We went on one date. Do you have a girlfriend now?”

“Cara,” Emery answers with a shrug. I swallow my dry spit, he has a girlfriend? I was fine with him having a girlfriend but the thought was….weird. I mean scrawny little Emery having a girlfriend? Alright so he’s not exactly scrawny or little for that matter but he’s still that little 9 year old that left 8 years ago. “what?” Emery chuckles. 

“I guess its weird for you to have a girlfriend. 8 years ago you hated girls,” I reply. 

Emery stands up with a sigh. “I’ve changed, Cedes, more than you’ll ever know,” Emery says then walks out of the living room. I watch Emery’s figure into the darkness of the kitchen, leaving me speechless. 

I’ve changed, Cedes, more than you’ll ever know. 

He was like a code. A code waiting to be cracked. 


I know, I know this chapter is very short. Ugh, I have stupid writers block and I wanted to it here :) 

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