Chapter 14: Masks

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The loud music pounded in Adrien’s ears. He loved music like all his friends and would sometimes sit in his room pumping Jagged Stone so loud the floor would vibrate. As sound proof as his father’s office was, there would still be occasions he sent Natalie to get Adrien to lower the volume. Adrien believed it was his father’s own fault for buying him a professional sound system with a powerful subwoofer. Alix’s sound system was pretty good too, allowing the neighbors to enjoy the party without leaving their house.

Not that the music was bad, and neither was the company. Nino and Cheriss were sharing the couch with Adrien, involving him in some of their conversations, although Adrien had little to add. His mind was not at the party.

The visit to Master Foo did not give Adrien much reassurance. Master Foo heard Plagg’s theory that the user of the Ladybug Miraculous has changed. The news of Tikki’s disappearance surprised and worried him, although he was skeptical of Plagg’s conclusion. The entire conversation was laced with an undertone of conspiracy. Adrien suspected they were hiding something about Ladybug’s identity. Something important that they did not want him to know. 

Master Foo showed interest in discussing Ladybug’s views on the akuma attacks, and her desire to draw out Hawkmoth by not stopping the akuma. The news that she sent Chat Noir flying into the wall gave him pause but not discussed further.

Master Foo’s assurance to investigate the matter further left Adrien dissatisfied. There were no breakthroughs. No answers to his burning question and no solutions to his ever-growing problems.

Adrien considered skipping the party altogether, but felt obligated to Nino. He has disappointed his best friend so many times lately he could not abandon him again. In an obvious attempt to overcompensate, he took his friends to a costume shop, insisting on renting them both a costume for the party. Surprisingly, he enjoyed the outing with his friends, joining in their banter when trying on the different outfits. They made fun of each other and of themselves, of how ridiculous they looked in the different outfits. The jokes and laughs helped him forget his problems for a while. 

Eventually, they settled on 19th-century aristocracy. Cheriss wore a silver gown with a tight fitting top embroidered in gold along the chest and down the arms. The lace at the arms long enough to cover her fingers. Below the waist, the skirt was embroidered with pink flowers, green leaves, and gold thread tying the patterns together. The skirt fit around a crinoline, giving its distinctive bell shape. Cheriss was having a hard time maneuvering in the room and through doors. It made for an entertaining sight, watching her sit down on the couch without smacking her face with her own dress.

Nino and Adrien wore matching suits comprising breeches, waistcoat, and coat. Nino’s in silver to match Cheriss and Adrien’s green. The waistcoat elaborately embroidered in gold, with cloth-covered buttons. The coat had gold embroidery all down the arms, ending in a wide gold and blue sleeves. This all made a glamorous sight if extremely uncomfortable.

An hour into the party, Adrien regretted the decision to come. He could not bring himself to enjoy the party. Sitting quietly on the couch nursing a drink, he wasn’t good company for Nino either. A few girls attempted to talk to him. His foul mood was so obvious that even the few hopeful quickly moved away. Staying at home would have been better for everyone. 

Besides that, his other reason for coming to the party never showed up. By this time, even the fashionably late were already there. There was no sign of Marinette. Neither she nor Alya had shown up for the party. Nino must have been wrong about her coming.

Nino was telling him how he liked the currently playing song and was going to be using it himself when he froze in mid-sentence. His lower jaw went slack and his eyes opened so wide the eyeballs were about to roll out of them. Adrien turned and saw a very feminine Chat Noir standing in the doorway. The tight black leather hugging the woman's body accenting her shapely legs, hips, and chest. A belt wound around her waist, continuing behind her as her tail. Instead of just falling directly down between her legs, it held upright, arching over a few centimeters, then dropping to swoosh lazily behind her. If he did not know better, he would have thought Plagg chose a new holder.

A black domino mask covered her face and two black ears stuck out of her curly brown hair. Even though she wore green contact lens, Adrien identified Alya behind the mask. Adrien now understood the look on Nino’s face. He was Alya looked amazing

After scanning the room, Alya stopped and smiled behind Adrien, where Nino was gawking at her. Her eyes shifted to Adrien and irritation displaced the smile. She turned around and walked out the door. Adrien wondered what he did to irritate her when she returned, pulling behind her none other than Ladybug herself.

That was Ladybug, there was no denying it. Those were her legs, her arms, her waist, and chest. All covered with a tight fitting red spandex with black dots. Her blue black hair pulled back into twin tails and the domino mask covering her beautiful face. The only difference was in her bluebell eyes peering through her mask. Instead of the usual confidence and determination, there was fear and trepidation. 

Ladybug scared? Why? Why would she even be at Alix’s party? With Alya. Alya would bring Ladybug to a party? Ladybug is Alya’s friend? 

Adrien focused beyond the mask. Looked at the person wearing the mask. He has done so many times before, trying to figure out who was behind the mask. He never could. He could never penetrate the mystery of the mask.

Now he could. He could see her. He could see Marinette.

Marinette was Ladybug!

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