Chapter 16: Ladynette

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Adrien and Marinette left Alix’s party and walked out onto the street.

“It is late,” Marinette said, looking around, “I can’t believe we were talking for two hours.”

“It isn’t late, the moon is still out.” Adrien did not want the night to end. “Let’s go through the park. It’s on the way.” 

Without a second thought, he grabbed Marinette’s hand and pulled her towards the park. He was not running, rather walking at a brisk pace, since, for a reason he could not explain, he was giddy with excitement. He soon realized he was forcing Marinette to jog behind him and loosened his grip.

“I’m sorry,” he tried to pull back his hand. “I didn’t mean to make you run.”

“I don’t mind,” Marinette tightened her hold. “I want to get there too.”

They held hands all the way to the park. The lamps shone all around the park, their light reflecting off the trees. Still, it felt deserted. The dry fountain, empty pathways and the carousel hid in the dark without its colorful lights.

“I don’t know why, but I feel like running.” He was with Ladybug, so his ‘Chat Noir’ was coming out. He let go of Marinette’s hand, regretting the loss of her touch, ran along the path, jumped upon a bench, balanced on its back and hopped off with a half turn in mid-air, ending with a smooth landing. As Adrien, he could not achieve the acrobatics of Chat Noir, but years of hero work has improved his body, making it lean, strong, flexible, with a great sense of balance. 

Adrien expected admiration, even applause. He did not expect Marinette to channel Ladybug and run on the same path, climb the bench, run across the back, jump with a twist and a half to land right beside him.

“Wow! Where did clumsy Marinette disappear to?”

“Don’t worry, I am still madly clumsy most of the time,” she said, then ran to the fountain.

Adrien watched in fascination as Ladynette ran along the fountain edge, spun on one leg and ran on the next edge. 

Madly Clumsy?

Adrien shook himself and ran after Ladynette, trying to catch her. He seems to spend his life chasing ladies in red and black suits. Even now, she was out of reach. He complained her costume was more suited for this activity. She told him to stop whining.

They ran all around the park, climbing on benches, on the carousel, or spinning around poles. 

“You probably wish you could use your yo-yo,” they were sitting on a bench, catching their breath.

“This useless toy? I never understood why Ladybug chose a yo-yo as her weapon. It seems rather childish. Chat’s baton makes more sense.”

“You think she chose it? She uses it in so many ways, it’s rather versatile.”

“You’re right, she’s talented with her toy,” she said, her words laced with sarcasm.

Adrien studied Ladynette’s face. She looked like Ladybug, she acted like Ladybug, she even talked like Ladybug.

“Why do you hate Ladybug?”

Ladynette’s looked at her shoes. Adrien forced himself to be quiet, to let her gather her thoughts.

“I don’t hate Ladybug. In many ways, I admire her. She’s brave, confident, and saves people all the time. Possibly, I’m slightly jealous she is all the things I’m not. But she’s also fake, and I hate fake.” 

“Fake?” That was not what Adrien expected. “Why do you think she is fake?”

“Her relationship with Chat Noir. It isn’t real. I am not sure if she’s fooling Chat or he’s part of it. That would be disappointing.”

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