Chapter 26 - The Splitting of Maribug

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Six months ago

“No! I won’t do it,” Ladybug was adamant.

“It’s a brilliant idea. It’s exactly what you need to push your campaign. People will love you and listen to you. This is the best way to get the citizens to change their ways.” Chat was enthusiastic. Ladybug suspected he was not all that objective.

“Chat, I can’t do it. It isn’t worth it.” Ladybug pleaded. “It’s lying. It isn’t fair to them.”

Marinette stopped and looked directly at Chat, holding his eyes in hers. Even with the mask, they were very expressive, opening a window into his heart. Marinette knew for a while now that Chat wasn’t just flirting anymore, he wasn’t only fooling around and playing the Casanova. His feelings were strong. They were for Ladybug. They were one-sided.

She told him the truth, softly, barely letting the words slip out between her lips, “it isn’t fair to you.”

Her words stunned Chat. Taken aback by the raw intensity of her eyes, the concern she had for him. Not the citizens, not herself. Him. She was worried about him. Just like that, she made him love her even more. Stronger, deeper, beyond anything he felt before. Even after years of chasing and being rebuffed, his love only got stronger.

Who was this lady of his who carried all of Paris on her shoulders and placed him on top of the pile, holding him up high with her endless strength and kindness? 

Adrien could not let her hold it all herself. Here he can help and she must let him. It was Chat Noir’s job to protect her, always stand between her and danger. Chat Noir existed for her. There was no other purpose to his existence besides being where and when she needed him. 

Adrien looked away from Ladybug’s gaze; he couldn’t handle seeing the love in her eyes. All these years together, he knew it was love, and cherished that love. Only, it was not the type of love he craved. Not the love that he felt for her. The love of a lover.

“You must not worry about me,” he began, handling his words carefully. “I want to do this for you. I believe in you and in what you represent. You can influence everyone, make a difference. I believe in your campaign.”

“It isn’t just mine, it’s ours.”

“That isn’t true, and you know it. It’s Ladybug they cherish. It’s Ladybug they worship and follow. I’m just Ladybug’s sidekick. A brilliantly handsome one, at that,“ Chat added with a smirk, trying, unsuccessfully, to break the tension so palpable he would need his Cataclysm to break it.

“Never think that. You’re not my sidekick. You’re my partner.”

Ladybug legs felt weak. She leaned back against the wall, looking up at the stars. 

“I’m tired.” The words came out before she even realized what she was saying. “I’m tired of fighting these akumas. There is no end to this. Hawkmoth keeps akumatizing people, sending them out, causing chaos and destruction. We fight them and catch them, clean everything up just so we can do it all over again the following day. I feel like we’re living reruns of a rehashed tv series,” her lips twitched at her own joke. “Our lives are so sad it’s almost funny. My hero life is exhausting. My civilian life is suffering from lack of attention. I just want a bit of a break. Or at least to slow down, let me live life a little.” The stars were all blurry now.

Chat watched her face glow in the moonlight. He followed a tear from her eye as it cascaded down to her chin.

“That is why your campaign is so important. Since you started talking to the citizens on the Ladyblog and the news, telling people to control their negative emotions, there has been a drop in attacks.”

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