Chapter 4

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"See you on that double date ;)"

Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap.

I did not ask for this. There is absolutely no way I'm going on a date with Chad Allen, the jerk. You'll break Caroline's heart if you don't, my conscience advised. I sighed in frustration. I couldn't do that to Carol, she only had my best interest at heart. But she made you go on a date with him, my heart teased. Stop it, I scolded myself, Caroline would never knowingly do this to me. Besides, my mind reasoned, maybe I'll have the other twin. I had too many voices yelling in my head.

I reached towards my phone, ignoring Chad, and went to dial Caroline's number. I watched myself in the mirror while I waited. My face seemed to be put into a permanent scowl. Stupid Chad.

Caroline answered with a loud hello. I could tell she was out at a party with the obnoxiously loud music in the back.

"Oooooh Amelia, hi Amelia! Guys, guys this is my best friend in the whole wide world! Say hi to Millie everyone! She's sooooooo much fun!"

She was drunk. On a Tuesday.

Some of you are probably curious to how Amelia and Caroline, two clashing personalities, could manage to be friends. It would seem that the saying "opposites attract" is true. As different as we are, we still remain close and haven't lost our friendship. Although she is undoubtedly crazy, a rash decision-maker, and undeniably delirious, I couldn't imagine life without that blonde-headed, brown-eyed girl.

But currently I was ready to slap some sense into her.

"Where are you," I demanded.

"I'm out having a blaaaaast," she slurs. "Where are you bestieeee?"

I place my head in my palm and sigh. Carol was always getting into trouble similar to this. Her parents hated her rambunctious behavior and always compared her to me. Although she's never said anything about it, I've always known it bothered her.

"Caroline," I pleaded. "I need to know where you are."

"I'm at that new bar down the road," she answered. "It's soooo muuuch fuuun!"

"Alright," I ordered. "You need to stay right where you are. No movement whatsoever. Understood?"

"Yessir," she giggles out. "Oooh Chaaaad come heree and talk to your daatee!"

Pressing the end call button quickly, I avoid speaking with Chad. My mind whirled at what Caroline had said. She knowingly created a double date that paired Chad and I into what I'm sure would end in a happy couple. How could she do this to me? Did she not realize that Chad taunted and ridiculed me for the majority of my high school career? As I climbed into my parent's Ferrari 458 Spyder, I question two things: why did my parents need such expensive cars and why would Caroline set up the double date.

Pulling into the bar's parking lot, I stepped towards their entrance. When the door opened, I was met by booming speakers and stentorian* people. Couples openly osculated* some even climbing on top of each other. Girls danced on tables while boys attempted to touch them. Many of the people here were so obviously underage it was a miracle they were allowed in. Deciding to think more about this later, I searched for Caroline.

I found her laying across a shirtless male with her arm wrapped around his torso. She was snoozing off her alcohol and drooling onto his chest. Giggling at the sight, I yanked her off him and dragged her towards the exit. She stumbled along behind me, mumbling as she was still half asleep. I gently helped her into the car and drove off as quickly as I could because I am definitely not used to that type of environment.

After parking and bringing her inside, I lugged Caroline up the steps. When we reached my room, she flopped onto my bed. I took a deep breath in and laid down next to her. I'm not sure where I found the strength to carry her, but even I'm proud of myself. I was finally breathing normally when I heard the doorbell ring.

I walked down my stairs slowly and suspiciously, for I had no clue to who would be there. I stood in front of the door and quietly turned the knob. Swinging the door open, my gaze met the dark blue eyes of Jerk Jock.

stentorian- loud and powerful
osculate- kiss

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